Mind Blind (04/30 Demo Update. A Story Where You Are NOT The Chosen One!)

Cool cause I’m a sucker for really good flashbacks especially if they show some type Of trauma or a momentarily amount of happiness. Pretty much like in the best Animated show ever created Avatar the last air bender.


I was worried that I would be missing a lot of flashback. Flashback is amazing because it let us know more about our MC, that’s why I’m worried about missing it.


Couldn’t agree more💯



Also have you @wildelight considered a discord for the story?


I played the new demo,and I loved it.Will Gray eating the cookie come up later?Like a running joke?


I really enjoyed the demo! I can’t wait to see where the story goes :>


Me too! This is very engaging and I love it! :revolving_hearts:


So next update will have the yandere RO ey?


Please, no yandere. Nuh-uh :fearful: :face_vomiting:


Aww, you’re no fun :joy:

Actually, on second thought, I second this. No yandere, not with our MC having a hot potato of a mind rn :fearful:

@Servant_of_choices You make a convincing case…fine, I want my yandere with a steak knife equipped and a Pollard score of at least 8 :joy:


Cmon man shadowding and trying to kill each other for life is true love!!


Updaaaaaaaaateeeeeeeeee wooooo >:D

le edit:

I have found a husbando for Animal Lover!Confident!Car Snob!Short-arse!Avocado-Eating!Ellery XD yes, they’re getting married in Bali, it’ll be great.

I’m really enjoying this, MC has a lot of personality, I’m quite looking forward to playing sardonic but chipper MC who is not hating their existence and has accepted fate and is happy throwing grossness into rude peoples brains, huzzah.


I haven’t really commented in this thread despite really enjoying your WIP (The premise! The tone! The dogs! The very real but unseen resentment one can have towards a sibling!) but since I haven’t seen anyone mentioning the save plugin yet (I think? My eyes deceives me often)

I think you can just put

*sm_init [game name] | [no. of save slot] 

in the bottom of the startup file after the achievements/create stats and stuff, since you’re putting mind blind in dashingdon. The game name can be anything as long as it doesn’t have any spaces.

Iirc there’s a newer save slot plugin out, but it’s not implemented in dashingdon yet

(i promise I’ll come back here to actually comment about something after I played the newest update. Thanks so much for delivering, I’m so used to my fav authors leaving a fic on hiatus that this feels like a blessing :pensive:)


Could you add save system? I’d like to explore all the options without having to replay everything or opening up the code to read it raw.

You only have to check the second box on the right on the “edit game” page.

And then write

*sm_init mindblind | 5

At the bottom of your startup.txt file.


This is awesome! Really liking how you’ve done the MC’s inner monologue and the quality of writing is so good. Also love how Nick calls you Buttons lol. That’s cute


ayyy, first nick-nack now cookie monster. starting to like this more and more. can we become the nicknamer kid and give hilarious nicknames to everyone else too? i even have some planned already. for example, for k i thought of the dogfather (pun on godfather) and fairy dogmother (another obvious pun)

also another thing. i kinda wonder if nick also has the who’s on first routine practically or literally memorized after being around mc and hearing them think it so many times?


Hey, just wanted to say, that I really liked how you implemented the choices it makes the flow good:) I mean it does not disturb the flow


Alright, save plugin is a go! I’d been putting it at the top and getting error messages :sweat_smile: Also, if anyone does peak at the code (which I didn’t realize was possible)–please know that none of what I name choices/branches is meant to be offensive. Just because I label winning the staring contest with K “uwincreepo” does not mean that I’m calling your MC a creep . . . much.

I haven’t! I’ve never used Discord but can look into setting one up. Honestly, I mostly expected people to read Mind Blind and roll their eyes saying “Oh, god, this author thinks she’s funny”. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how many people seem to like it! If people want another place to ask questions/chat, I can definitely make that happen.

Nuh-uh indeed (it’s way worse)

Oh, I’m super happy someone’s playing an accepting MC! I really enjoyed writing a lot of the “yeah, so what? I’m amaaaaaazing! Mwahaha” answers.

Yes. And poor Nick–he’s definitely been exposed to more than his fair share of classic comedy routines, self-empowerment speeches, and frog guts.


@wildelight Congratulations on implementing the save system.
And also this just crossed my head earlier and can’t get it out of my head, what do you think about giving nick “big bro” as a nickname?

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I think I’ll leave “Big Bro” as a player enter-able option, just because the choices for Nick’s nicknames (I always giggle-snort writing those 2 words together) are already pretty crowded :slight_smile: