Mind Blind (04/30 Demo Update. A Story Where You Are NOT The Chosen One!)

You can also see thing differently. For your whole life, you’ve never experienced true privacy. So you don’t really know what you are missing.
I don’t think MC xan really despise their family. Being resentful yes, jealous…
But as you never knew what you were missing… And it’s not like you have been under bad care.
But a bad relationship due to envy? Yes.
You can see it as a gift too as it can be really useful when spying. Knowing that every psychic character Can read your thought is an advantage if you force yourself to think about false information.


While that is true I could give out false information to mislead them but In the beginning that isn’t my main goal. My main goal at this point is to get people out my mind so that’s why I’m so morbid kinda forcing myself to be a loner. It’s not that I despise them mostly tired of this shit and the family or others are not considerate about how they feel when they use their telepathy around them or to them.


It won’t be quite that simple to fool a Ment, given they sense your emotions, etc.

. . . but figuring out a way to fool yourself in order to fool a Ment for a school assignment? Well, that might be possible, and even earn you an A+.

MC actually has very good reason to despise their parents, if that’s how you want to play them. (I’m curious if anyone will be able to guess what it is from the demo, since I think I dropped enough clues in Gray’s flashback for people to kind of deduct what may have happened and why). Less cause to hate Nick, but jealousy/resentment can definitely factor into their sibling relationship if the player wishes


I like the other path but I honestly like this one better cause like you said it gives me extra contexts on my struggle especially when I feel like I’ve been replaced when really you’re just really depressed that Nick has mostly everything good happening to him Especially being the Apple in the parents eyes while I drew the unluckiest draw in the world. It wasn’t just about Gray eating The cookie it’s about feeling even Nick is replacing you starting with making the cookies you love for gray. Feeling betrayed basically. The insecurities making you feel like even nick finds you a hindrance. This makes me tear up a bit tbh. Also :fu:the parents.


Thank you so much! Don’t get me wrong, baked goods are a serious matter. But yeah, it’s very much not about just the cookie and I’m so glad to hear that it came across!

There’s 3 big mysteries in Mind Blind. One involves K and Unity, the other involves why MC lives with Nick, and the third I can’t (yet) talk about. Walking to school gives players hints into the second subplot, and it’s definitely the most emotionally charged of the 3 in my opinion. (I’ll be curious as to your opinion of MC’s parents once the full story is revealed.)


Oh trust that baked goods are a very big deal alone. Baked goods are a sign of love and if someone eats all of my favorite cookies I’ll be hella pissed too lol.

I will most definitely be giving you my opinion on that. Giving my opinion is my specialty. So far though the parents seem like they are ashamed of me so they try to distance themselves away from me. But maybe I’m wrong but oh well. Can’t wait to find out. I’m enjoying it.
I will most likely Be choosing That route cause I like to make myself cry for some reason.


I don’t have a lot to say, but the few things that I do have to say are barely coherent. Basically, from what I can scrounge from the scraps of my mind, this is an incredible WIP. The quality blows me away, and your writing makes me feel right at home—it’s exactly the kind of storytelling that I adore. This is a really great project, and I’ll definitely be following this game as it progresses! Bravo!


I actually have to come out of lurking to comment… I try basically every WIP that gets thrown up, and I have not liked a WIP this much since The Soul Stone War. Your writing is phenomenal, the story is captivating, the characters are engaging, the humor is perfect, and I can’t wait to see where the story goes. I was set to romance K after the last update, but now you’ve gone and introduced Gray…

Also, welcome aboard the noggin express is possibly the best response ever and I will never not choose it.


This WIP has so much potential and set up for complicated relationships! I like that you can love your brother for being in your corner and supporting you unconditionally, whilst simultaneously resenting him for “stealing” your portion of mental powers and being the golden child. Same for Grayson, you can like him/have a crush on him because he seems very considerate, but also worry that Nick will abandon you for him. It’s really cool being able to play as an MC who has all these internal conflicts going on.

Also this is a really picky thing, but I’m British and the name Grayson sticks out as very American sounding to me, so I was surprised that he was actually British, I’m not sure if anyone else feels the same way though.


That’s so funny, because I named Gray after a Scottish coworker I had while living in London! :joy: And complicated relationships are the best kind in interactive fiction! (Even if they’re a devil’s bargain to code.)

Their romances are equally good in my (utterly biased) opinion. But Gray and Sally both give players the option to have romances different from the “somewhat quickly falling in love over a few scenes” that is otherwise necessary in a limited time-frame game.

Thanks! I know that a lot of people prefer main characters that are more blank-slatish in order to transpose their own personalities on top of it, so it makes me really happy to learn that people are still connecting to Mind Blind’s MC and enjoying how it’s written :grin:


How far can the MC’s self loathing go?

I’m set on taking my creepy goth MC down the rabbit hole of self deprecation, with how much of a burden he already feels like. I’m ready for that sweet angst.


Pretty dang deep. There’s a hidden stat that gets bumped up when you pick statements like “Sometimes I wish I were dead,” etc. If that stat gets too high, it will trigger an “intervention” from the characters closest to MC.

Note that this stat is not only behind morbid answers, though. It’s quite possible to play a 110% morbid MC without anyone growing concerned about your mental well being. There’s a difference between being a goth overlord and genuinely hating your life.


Wonder if my MC who uses humor to cope with their problems is going to have an intervention staged for them. Does MC’s self loathing center entirely on their lack of powers, or can there be other reasons for it? I’d love to play an MC who has issues with their self image/place in society, but for reasons besides being powerless.


I relate to these so much, oof

I love me some heart-wrecking angst, I can’t stop tearing up, the writing and the feelings are so good. I made my MC humorous and probably a bit flirty outside, but deep down, he’s broken, and felf it’s unfair.


It makes sense to have a coping mechanism especially when you don’t want to show how you really feel. It just makes it better and even more heart shattering when you finally break crying and snapping at someone you care about so you can feel some type of realistic genuine support :pleading_face:.


That flashback is really well written
But that raised a question. When will the flashback happen if you go to school with K?


The flashback won’t happen, at least not in the same detail. Your first meeting with Grayson will be later, when he ________s you after _____ happens and you’re _____. Because its MC’s fingerprints. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: You’ll still be able to set whether or not your MC has a preexisting crush on him or dislikes him, but you’ll miss out on some of MC’s background story. However, going with K gives advantages for the next scene at Aeon that walking with Grayson doesn’t. And the Metro scene is just . . . you’ll see. Basically, it’s a trade off which will hopefully increase game replay value.

I’m trying to alternate between “what you say” and “what you think” choices to make this kind of playthrough viable, since I personally am a sucker for the whole “sad clown” vibe.

So, in my mind, any self loathing MC may feel doesn’t really arise from lack of powers. I’ve tried to write it as a valid interpretation, if you want an MC who is strictly upset that they can’t be a superhero. But to me, an resentful/angsty MC’s trauma comes from not only a deep-rooted belief that they’re somehow “flawed,” but arises as the natural consequence of having their mind completely exposed and then not being 100% embraced. Because what if you could no longer use the excuse “well, that person just doesn’t know me” to justify others’ dislike?

Whether Ments just find the buzz of MC’s thoughts annoying or there’s a deeper reason for that rejection is up to the players to fill in. It’s why MC gets teased for exposed “secrets” in high school, but the exact nature of those secrets isn’t mentioned.


Basically me right now playing the character.


My brain automatically filled those three blank spaces with “save”,“an incident”, and “a suspect” for some reason. probably the fingerprints part

And how many are we missing cause I really love flashback like that l😅


There’s a handful of flashbacks but only two (maybe 3) are miss-able.