Merlock Owls and Dr. Plotson (hiatus announsment)

New parts of chapter 5 were added!
To play the demo, go here: .


Poor Plotson. Right now they’re wandering around in the multi-purpose disguise. :joy: I really enjoyed following the suspects around and all the different ways it can go. The butler continues to be more and more suspicious. This time I also saw the interaction with Marion when Owls is with you, and it really is a funny scene. I loved the incredibly long minute countdown that goes with investigating the rooms, too.

One thing is that, when talking to Owls at the cafe, it seems like he acts as if he wasn’t there (like when you choose to talk about his family, he says he’ll guess what Marion said despite having heard it directly from her). Also, there were a few choices where it seemed like the options should have quotations since Plotson is talking, like when interrogating the suspects.


“I think he ran to that greenhouse! He is e Seed Thief, after all.”
“e” should be “the”.

You found some interesting cases in the past thanks to Owls’ habit of strolling into the station and bothering police detectives, until they gave up and provided us with information.
“us” should be “him” or “you”. I don’t think the comma after “detectives” should be there.

Your dangerous lifestyle lives little time for cleaning, and Owls’ has special organizing pattern only he can comprehend.
Add an “a” before “special”.

After looking at a pile of mismatched clothes, curtains stained with results of your chemical experiment, a special camouflage hat with artificial branches, and a pair of cracked dishes, you see something new - a newspaper.
Should “experiment” be “experiments”?

Talk about your and Owls previous accomplishments.
It looks like there should be an apostrophe after “Owls”.

Climb on the tree.
Should “on” be “up”?

Those who heard about you a little vary of you.
“vary” should be “wary”. This is in the stats reputation page.

Looking forward to seeing what Owls learned while Plotson (attempted to) follow the suspect! :relaxed:

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Thank you for the feedback! I’ve corrected typos and quotation marks. The line about family is tweaked a little.

Wait, do you mean “too many events fit in a munute” or it shows “you have 15,999999998 minutes left”?

Was the hat commented on after following the gardener to the gathering?

Anyway, thanks again for great feedback! :smiley:

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This is what I meant. The precision and detail of having it down to a decimal point is something I could see fitting in any Sherlockian story, but it’s obvious that those extra decimal points and seconds aren’t important, which makes for an amusing contrast.

I don’t remember if the hat was commented on, but I haven’t successfully followed the gardener yet. That’ll be my next playthrough. :relaxed:

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It shouldn’t be 15,999999998 minutes instead of 15,9. I thought I got rid of that bug.:thinking:

Ha, well, it was an amusing bug that actually worked with the story! But it looks like the reason for it is because you’re actually adding and subtracting with decimals. There’s a few threads on decimals and floating points if you haven’t seen them yet that might help.

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The game is not dead!
Chapter 5 is updated. You can examine the clues now!


Fixed a bug in chapter 5.

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I have finally, finally finished chapter 5!


Examining the clues was a lot of fun, and even though I knew it’d be a bad idea, I still had Plotson eat the plant leaf to see if it’s poisonous. I like how doing so negatively affects their skills. I still think the butler is the most suspicious of the suspects, especially since it seems like the gardener told the truth about the plant.

A few typos

"Well, that was something. “I see. I’ll take this into account,” she says.
When talking to Marion – Remove the quotation mark before “I see”.

You will loose him, unless you do something.
When following the butler – “loose” should be “lose”.

This flask previously contained some type of vefliumtoxin, used in sleeping pills in small doses, but large quantities are poisonous…
In evidence folder – Remove the extra period.

Also, if you follow the suspects, Merlock’s summary of the clues he examined is one big paragraph – you might want to break it up so it’s easier to read the important information.

Looking forward to chapter six! :relaxed:


I’m glad to see that :slight_smile:
I was worried this part wasn’t very interesting.

Plotson will recover. Eventually.

Fixed some typos and added paragraph brakes.

I don’t understand how this happened. There is only one period in the file. :thinking:

Regarding the plant… Did you notice “Some things may require more than one examination” bit?

Anyway, thanks a lot! :grinning:

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Very interesting! It’s a proper murder mystery, but there’s always the sense of whimsy peeking around the corner.



stat page:

Check your reputation among other people and [factions].

Chapter 2:

Your dangerous lifestyle [leaves] little time for cleaning, and Owls’ has a special organizing pattern only he can comprehend.

The case [has] found me! We have to hurry.

Owls looks inside the closet with [a] mysterious expression.

Chapter 3:

“What kind of person [was] [Lily]?”

You exit the back door and come close [to] the gardener.

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Thank you for your comment! I’ve fixed the typos.

I’m thinking about removing the reading skill stat from the game. This skill is rarely used, and even when I come up with reading skill check, it overlaps with something else, usually perception. It would be easier for me to rework some stats, remove already existing reading stuff or move it to other stats, then concentrate on better developing content for other skills. What do you think, dear readers?

  • Yes, remove the reading skill!
  • What? The reading skill is fine as it is.
  • I like this skill. Add more content for reading!

0 voters

So, I’m removing the reading.

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Chapter 6 is getting longer than I anticipated. So I’m posting only the 1st part of it.

Since I’ve removed the reading stat from the game and made some changes to some event variables, your old saves may not work correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Chapter 6 is close to being finished. Will be out next week!


Chapter 6 finished!

How do you like this chapter? Who did you question?

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