Hello forum folks.
Some of the people who’ve been around for a bit longer might remember (It’s unlikely, but who knows…) that @addicted had the idea to create a game with the forum community somewhere around June 2015.
The good news is that though the project deviated from the original idea quite a bit through its execution that project did not bleed to death.
That is of course followed by the even better news that it’s now ready for Beta-testing.
About the game:
In its current incarnation this project is a collaboration between @Felicity_Banks, @adrao, @Cecilia_Rosewood and @Sashira.
We’ve all written one or two short stories in the framework of a larger story, which was originally written by @Felicity_Banks and expanded by @Cecilia_Rosewood.
The main character recieves a troubling phone call from Uncle Irwin and head over to his house and bookshop to check on him. Finding him proves to be difficult though, and the MC will have to travel through several books of different genres to find him.
Why we chose for a public Beta:
The idea that lead to the creation of this game was to make a game with the forum community. In the spirit of this original idea we’ve opted to keep the Beta phase public so that every member of this wonderful community gets the opportunity to see and contribute to the story before it’s sent to CoG to be released. Your help in this step of the process is very much appreciated.
#The kind of feedback we are looking for:
- High level feedback
About the general flow of the game: In this case an important point to keep an eye on are the transisions between the parts written by the various members of the team. It’s always tricky to get those things just right.
About the pacing of the game: Is the pacing too slow? Is the pacing too fast? Are there too little choices in a certain part of the story? Are there too many? We would really like to hear your opinion on this, especially if they’re accompanied by examples of where it went wrong.
About the plot: Is it interesting? Does it rope you in enough to keep reading? Is it consistent, or are there things you feel should or shouldn’t have happened at certain points in the story.
About the characters: Are they fleshed out enough? Can you find a suitable RO for your MC? Do you wish a non-RO NPC could be turned into a RO? Tell us. We might just be able to do something about it.
About the options presented: Do you feel like an option should be added for a certain choice. Do you think one should removed? Is there an option that suits your character? Did you find a spot where you think a choice should be added? Let us know.
- Low level feedback
Typos. Also includes wrong word-use since not all of us have English as a native language.
Visible bits of code.
Continuity errors.
Where should you post your feedback?
This thread has been created specifically for the purpose of posting feedback. It would be nice if you could link (and tag) the relevant writer to your feedback though. Since this is a cooperative project different parts of the game have been written by different authors. The following is a list of which author is responsible for which part of the story.
- @adrao: New Heaven Cop and The mansion of D’Anjou
- @Felicity_Banks: College Daze and The Queen’s Child.
- @Sashira: Sashira’s story (name is still a work in progress.)
- @Cecilia_Rosewood: Dragons and Devices, The Danger of the Deep and the main story.
I hope this has appropriately informed you about the purpose of this thread.
Here’s the link: