
Yeah this is one way to add conflict! :smile: Usually things like rivals, an oppressive group/faction or a deadline are great ways to add conflict in anything.


Like everyone says it’s short but I’m glad you’re making a sports themed game since I don’t see many of those. Plus I’m a huge time sports fan so that helps too. Good luck with it. I can’t wait for what you come with it.

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It’s very barebones so far and there isn’t much feedback I can add. Just try to develope overall concept more. In sport fiction the most important thing in my opinion are engaging and interesting characters, especially in written fiction since you can’t just overcompensate with stunning visual and fight choreography (although it is important). So I would focus on that. Fleshing out main character would also greatly increases immersion. As an amateur boxer myself I will try to give some feedback on technicalities when it comes to actual matches but before that focus on developing and expanding that boxing world you creating. :smiley:


Hey guys sorry for being gone so long, but I’ve been hard at work in trying to completely rewrite the prologue and unfortunately I just reached a roadblock with the fighting system I want to use. The fighting system I want to implement needs multiple stats and also a bunch of other things needed for it work and unfortunately I’m no one where near good enough with choice script to make it work now, so I’m left with two options rework the system to becoming more simpler or spend more time with choice script to improve my skill. I’ve decided on the second option, so the updates will be pretty much stalled for now and for the foreseeable future for this game in particular there will be no updates. So thank you for spending some time just looking at this game and giving me feedback and more thanks for reading this long rambling comment. I promise you guys that the moment I get everything working how I want I will update this game for you all. Until then I will be posting a new fantasy/fighting game that is much simpler and should allow me to get even better with this engine. Again thank you from the bottom of my heart and I hope you continue to support my game ideas on this site.


I love boxing so I’m super excited for this!!!

I wish you luck and I will be waiting for the next update I’d like to read it and hopfully help you anyway I can :blush:

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