Kingdoms: Embers In Ashes[WIP] [OLD VERSION]

Gets out popcorn Man this is so much more fun when your a peaceful heretic who can just watch the action.

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I don’t infiltrate teams why would I When I am leader of Team Clithus I believe you are a heretic :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That felt very Hufflepuff for a moment xD And now I just keep picturing that one painting where the dude is screaming :joy:

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At least you don’t spread lies about which team you are in

You two? :smiley: have a cookie on me.

Ehh I just subscribe to vash’s methods of warfare

Yes, I have come to the conclusions that others can follow whatever team they want, as long as they dont attack me. I find it much more satisfying to just watch the action and ask the author questions. I am still firmly anti Marxus though.

@Centralrouge Oooh, a Trial By Combat! This is getting good! On the day the armistice is over, we can have a Trial Of The Seven! >:D @No_This_Is_Patrick we’re all on a very temporary truce by orders of Maléfica until the three days are done.

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takes cookie thanks man

Eh? Publicly ‘announce’ that I am a heretic? But that would be spreading lies, wouldn’t it? Why would I, a honest member of the order of Melissa, spread lies?

And technically it is not a RO war

You were banned by @microwave04 last night

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@Kingslayer is the man whose blessing is upon @Nightgazer so he’s practically untouchable in Team Melissa

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Ah, foolish child…@microwave04 has no power over me, for I have been given my own jurisdiction to do as I saw fit by our true leader @Kingslayer.

Whoops, ninja’d by @AmericanShakespeare, seems like I gotta up my typing game.

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Oh my


True. nods It is Official, by the orders of the warleader (since Kingslayer hasn’t appeared anywhere near the thread in forever). I tell you, if you watch GoT, on the RO war the day there has to be a Trial Of The Seven


Here is your proof (20 reveal characters)

He still holds power and he’s out on a quest of power(in real life he’s too busy ATM) but his letters do appear to selected people whom he’s entrusted to keep solace

Regardless I still challenge you to combat @Nightgazer begins preforming a sunhollowed arrow ritual

With spoons at 5 paces? Wonderful idea! :sunglasses: