Keeper of the Sun and Moon (Discussion)

Congratulations on getting KotSaM to steam! I know a lot of people have been excited for this! :heart: :smile:


I did and I still can’t romance Red … :crazy_face:


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There’s a complete Sera romance guide here. Hope that helps!


Replaying this at midnight and I spotted a few spelling errors here and there, I don’t know if it’s too late to point out anything since this game has been released for quite some time now :sweat_smile:

OH GOSH, I’m so sorry! I made this post in August and it’s like the end of the year now. The system didn’t notify me of your reply so I missed it.

There’s some words missing in the first sentence.


Go for it. It’s better to point them out now before the save system is implemented and Brynn is too busy editing the second book.


Please do!

I’ve just been putting in a couple of runs on Steam and I just wanted to ask, because I’ve tried a couple of times with different stats and options, has anyone gotten the We Are the Champions achievement? The description says you get for easily winning the final battle but I can’t figure it out. I’ve tried a combustion potion and a paralysis rune and they don’t seem to do much. If you did manage it, can you describe how? Thanks in advance!

If you’re still having trouble here you go.


Don’t save Kol and have any of these stats

1st Round
(fighting >= 30) and choose the punch option
(fighting >= 15) if human you can use your gun
(fighting >= 10) if you have a combustion potion
(willpower >= 30) illusion manipulation for Kitsune
(elemental >= 30)
(telekinesis >= 20)
(ritualpotions >= 20) if your a magician or if you have MorphMetal
DON’T CHOOSE #Don’t do this, Reyna. (it will drop your health regardless of your willpower stat)

2nd Round
Run or fly out of the way
Create a shield of ice
Redirect the fire if elemental >= 35
Use your energy shield and have fighting and intelligence >=15

3rd Round
Have any of these stats

elemental >= 25 or >= 15
fighting >= 15 or >= 10 if you are human and use your gun
fighting >= 30
willpower >= 20 or >= 10
willpower >= 10 or < 10 if you are a cambion


Thanks so much! I was always saving Kol so whatever stats I had wouldn’t have helped at all. I’ll try this later just to see how badass I can be. Thanks again!

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Same! Are you telling me I have to leave Kol to get that achievement? :sweat: Feels like betrayal… Sorry Kol, but I need to unlock ‘em all…

It does feel like a betrayal, so much that I haven’t worked up the will to try it yet. How much do I need this achievement? :thinking: I’ll just comfort myself with knowing I won’t import a save to the sequel with him left behind.

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quietly drops a picture of my mc for the games and runs


His name is Morgan and his personality is basically a mix of the “this is fine” and “thanks I hate it” meme. He’s also desperately trying to be a good boyfriend to Yakov who ain’t having it.


This might sound like a silly question, but does anyone know how you’re supposed to pronounce Seraphina? I kind of alternate between calling her Serafeena like in meaner or Serapfina like in miner. I should stick with one, but I can’t really pick.

Generally the name is pronounced rhyming with “meaner”.

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This way I believe

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That’s so nice! I’d love to post it on the Keeper Tumblr if you’d like to submit it!

I personally pronounce it Serafeena

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Hey, just a quick question:

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You need to have resistance >=50 during the species selection scene and choose the “My whole life was torn apart!” option. This sets MC’s feelings towards the magic world/their circumstance. Assuming you aren’t dating anyone and your relationship with Yakov is >=60, the option should be available.

If your MC is more accepting, the only way to start a romantic relationship with him this early in the game is by asking him if he’s dating anyone.

If you don’t mind waiting until late-game (Ch.11), you can always ask to attend the Nymph Ball with him, though success will depend on passing an “emotion” stat-check in addition to the minimum 60 relationship. Emotion stat guide over here

If you don’t want to ask him out directly in Ch.5 but don’t want to miss his scenes, and are alright with playing his friend route then switching to the romance path in Ch.11 (as detailed above), choose the option indicating you wish to get to know the “real you” in Ch. 5.


Can someone give me a detailed guide on how to romance Cyrus? I am literally unable to get him

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