Keeper of the Sun and Moon (Discussion)

It’s here!! :tada:


Google Play:
Choice of Games Website: Keeper of the Sun and Moon
Amazon: Keeper of the Sun and Moon: Appstore for Android
Steam: Keeper of the Sun and Moon on Steam

Thank you so much to everyone in the Choice of Games/Hosted Games community, and especially to @RETowers!

This thread is meant for all post-release feedback discussion for Keeper. Feel free to discuss anything about Keeper or ask any questions about it below. I hope you all enjoy the game and I look forward to seeing you for the sequel! :smile:

For more information about the Keeper world, visit
For the Keeper of Day and Night thread, visit Keeper of Day and Night (Update Post 1932) - #1275 by daydreamsincolor

For now, here are some FAQs:


How many secrets are there?

There are fifteen total secrets to discover, thirteen total within each playthrough. It is not possible to discover all of the secrets in one playthrough, or even two.

Is Keeper of the Sun and Moon part of a series?

Yes. It is intended to be a three part series. The second game is already in progress, and I’ll be posting a WIP thread shortly.

When will the next game come out?

Unfortunately, there’s no definite answer. It took three years to write and publish Keeper of the Sun and Moon(!), but I really hope to have the sequel out in less time than that.

Why did the opening change from the beta?

The new opening fits in much better for what I have in mind for the sequel, which is as much as I can say without major spoilers for the sequel!

Is it possible to save CHARACTER in Chapter 12?

Yes. MC can save Kol if they choose to: keep Reyna talking with cunning or intelligence >= 25; tell her to stop with willpower >=25; fight her with fighting >=25; or break the runes on the cuffs with ritual magic >=15 and elemental >=15.


What species can I play as?

MC can be a human, magician, drakaina, nephilim, cambion, kitsune, or elemental.

How do I play as a cambion?

Don’t choose to play as a human in Chapter 2, choose cambion in Chapter 4.

How do I play as a drakaina?

Don’t choose to play as a human in Chapter 2, choose drakaina in Chapter 4.

How do I play as an elemental?

Don’t choose to play as a human in Chapter 2, choose elemental in Chapter 4.

How do I play as a human?

Don’t choose “Try to use magic too.” while in the simulation in Chapter 1, choose human in Chapter 2, don’t choose to learn magic in Chapter 4.

How do I play as a kitsune?

Don’t choose to play as a human in Chapter 2, choose “Flames lick at my fingertips.” in Chapter 3 when attacked by hellhounds, choose kitsune in Chapter 4.

How do I play as a magician?

Don’t choose “Try to use magic too.” while in the simulation in Chapter 1, choose human in Chapter 2, choose to learn magic in Chapter 4.

How do I play as a nephilim?

Don’t choose to play as a human in Chapter 2, choose nephilim in Chapter 4.

How do I become a hunter?

Don’t choose “Try to use magic too.” while in the simulation in Chapter 1, choose human in Chapter 2, don’t choose to learn magic in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, choose either “He’s wrong. I can do this, and I will get those flowers. I know I saw them.” or “I’m ditching them. I’m so done with all of this supernatural crap” when deciding where to go in the forest.


Who are the ROs?

Altair, Astrid, Cressida, Cyrus, Katia, Kol, Leon, Seraphina, Thalia, and Yakov are ROs. All ROs are open to MCs of any gender. Each RO has at least two starting points for the relationship, one of which is at the Nymph Ball.

How can I romance Altair?

Don’t choose “I’m not interested in anyone." or “I’m only interested in girls" when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; have a relationship > 60 with him; find Astrid and Altair in Chapter 5; choose “I was looking for you, actually.” then “So…are you dating anyone?”

How can I romance Astrid?

Don’t choose ““I’m not interested in anyone.” or “I’m only interested in guys” when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; have a relationship > 60 with her; choose “Sure, sounds good!" when she asks MC on a date in Chapter 4.

How can I romance Cressida?

Don’t choose ““I’m not interested in anyone.” or “I’m only interested in guys" when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; have a relationship > 60 with her; find Leon, Cyrus, and Cressida in Chapter 5; choose “How have you been, Cressida?” then “Do you happen to be dating anyone at the moment?”

How can I romance Cyrus?

Don’t choose “I’m not interested in anyone.” or “I’m only interested in girls" when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; have a relationship > 60 with him; find Leon, Cyrus, and Cressida in Chapter 5; don’t choose “Fun…” or "How have you been, Cressida?”; choose "I might have some plans of my own—if you’re free tonight.”; choose “See if Cyrus is free to go out.” in Chapter 7

How can I romance Katia?

Don’t choose “I’m not interested in anyone.” or “I’m only interested in guys" when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; find Katia and Thalia in Chapter 5; choose “Katia, actually.” then “I was wondering—Are you dating anyone?"

How can I romance Kol?

Don’t choose ““I’m not interested in anyone.” or “I’m only interested in girls" when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; have a relationship > 50 with him and eat lunch with him and Thalia in Chapter 4; choose “Yeah, sure, Kol. And yes to the dating part too.” when he asks MC to go to the festival in Chapter 4.

How can I romance Leon?

Don’t choose ““I’m not interested in anyone.” or “I’m only interested in girls" when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; have a relationship > 60 with him before Chapter 4; choose “Oh, yeah, sure, sounds good.” when he asks MC on a date in Chapter 4.

How can I romance Seraphina?

Don’t choose ““I’m not interested in anyone.” or “I’m only interested in guys" when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; talk to Seraphina in Chapter 5; choose “Are you considering your romantic options at the moment?”; choose “Oh! Sure.” when she asks MC on a date in Chapter 7.

How can I romance Thalia?

Don’t choose ““I’m not interested in anyone.” or “I’m only interested in guys" when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; have a relationship > 60 with her and eat lunch with her and Kol in Chapter 4; choose “And if I wanted more than just your company?” when she flirts with MC in Chapter 4.

How can I romance Yakov?

Don’t choose ““I’m not interested in anyone.” or “I’m only interested in girls" when Thalia asks in Chapter 3; talk to Yakov in Chapter 5; either ask Yakov if he’s dating anyone or choose "But what if my reason’s sitting opposite me?”; choose “Oh! Sure.” when Yakov asks MC on a date in Chapter 7.

Does Seraphina/Yakov always break up with MC?

No. To avoid a breakup, you need to raise the hidden seraphinaemotions or yakovemotions stat by Chapter 11. This can generally be done by choosing ‘funny’ responses or encouraging them to be more open with their emotions.

An achievement guide can be found on post 407 in this thread.


It’s finally here! Can’t wait to play this dozens of times to try out all the different routes.


I have only played the free version Cuz I has no cash… but it’s really good…


Will there be a save feature implemented later? Like to pass your stats and such on to the next book?


Yes. There will also be options to create a new character or use a pre-made character.



Not sure why but this scene has been broken on each of my play through a so far. Seems like it also makes me fail the check after I succeed in it.


Just finished my first play through, it was totally awesome, thanks for a great read! Bought this pretty much as soon as I got out of bed and I don’t regret it, binge read the whole thing. Only had to restart once when I stuffed something up too, which is rare for me, normally I’m restarting every five minutes. Now it’s time to try some different play styles, thanks again!


Just bought it can’t wait to play!


I know that this is a stupid question, I guess, but what should I do to romance Katia? I can’t ask her if she’s dating anybody, unless I’m a complete idiot, but I’m sure it’s just not there, and I can’t get her relationship stat up to 60.

I have a feeling that this came off as rude, but that wasn’t my intention.

Pretty sure it says how to romance everyone in the first post lol.

Yeah, it does, but the “I was wondering—Are you dating anyone” part isn’t there for me to choose.

You need to use the spoiler tag per paragraph or it will not work. =)

Oh? So soon. That’s wonderful.

Meanwhile various Protagonists screamed and cried at the thought they would soon be rooming with both Leon and Astrid AGAIN!.


That’s great news, cant wait for it :smiley:

Has anyone managed to receive gifts from all the ROs? I cant seem to get katia high enough.


Hi! Love the game bought it the second it came out. I am sorry if you have already answered this, but how do you get Cyrus’s relationship stat to 60?


Congratulations on this release. Any plans on bringing it to Steam?

I wouldn’t mind rooming with Leon :two_hearts:

Hypothetically speaking: if someone spotted a spelling or grammar mistake in the released version, is that person allowed to point it out? Or is it too late?


i think you need to report it to CoG website


@Eric_knight is correct; sending these issues should be sent through the email support so that the author and CoG could filter them easily.

The author don’t have much say if their work will be released on Steam since CoG/HG will the one handling the releases but according to latest response from a CoG staff, there is still no plans as of now if they will release this on Steam.


Congratulations, on the release.

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