Katawa-shoujo, a great dating sim

Whatever issues the characters have, I hope the developers are doing some serious research into making an accurate portrayal.

“people are not defined by their disabilities” was a great message that Katawa Shoujo had. I think it would be even better to apply it to characters who deal with psychiatric disorders, since it’s so poorly understood by so many, and for these people being poorly understood can cause a lot of grief.


What is all of your favorite to least favorite routes for me it was hanako>rin>shizune>lily>emi

I like them all…equally…in different ways.
I can’t choose a favorite.
Its like asking me ice cream vs pizza.
Its just impossible.
(but so far i’ve only finished hanako and lily and am currently working on shizune.)

Hanako’s route is definitely my favourite. Beyond that, I couldn’t really say.

It’s not that I dislike any of the other routes, far from it, I greatly enjoyed them all. It’s just Hanako’s story resonated with my own situation a lot. Plus the good ending to that route managed to emotionally break me in a way that no other piece of fiction before or since has ever accomplished.

The one strange thing in hanako ending its implied she pregnant unlike the other routes its implied since in the original draft she to be shown pregnant but they turned it down which it why it pans out to a bakery like a ‘‘bun in the oven’’

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Hanako’s route is my favorite. Lilly and Shizune are tied for second, and Emi is my least favorite. I adore Emi, I just enjoyed the other routes more.


Intense feels are pretty rough on me. I liked Shizune’s route the best partly because it was more chill.

Pizza. Definitely pizza. Devil May Cry has been a bad influence on me.

don’t know the name of the game but if you find out please post it cause that sounds like a really good visual novel

I stumbled across this game a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was pretty great!
I’ve only played Hanako’s route so far. I still need to make time to do the others.

Do you know where I can play this? Is it not out yet?

if your talking about missing star’s it’s not out yet and it wont be out for a while :pensive:


@C_R Yume miru kusuri: a drug that makes you dream

Downloaded it, definitely going to play it tomorrow, wait… Today… Crap…

It’s still in development. There’s a release date of December this year.


I really dunno about this game…

And then i just found IT in yiutube:


“Now bring me some french vanilla tea”
He died laughing.
(Though after comparing my feels at each ending and during the routes I like hanako’s the most. Also curse the devs for tricking me. I felt torn about misha . and im good at reading subtext.)


Wow I’m glad I looked at this post, but at the same time I think I’m feeling more feels than I ever have before, because i just finished hanakos good ending for my first playthrough. I mean just wow. so yeah anyone thinking about getting this, its definitely worth it, 10/10 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

(I should also mention that I’m not even much into dating sims or visual novels either so theres that)

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I’ve been playing, or well, reading if for almost 2 hours so far. Reason why I say reading is because there are almost zero choices, or maybe that is because I turned of the mature material?

Oh well, iti is a really nice story so far :blush:

There are very few choices compared to many visual novels. Especially if you’re on Shizune’s route. But those choices do matter as a result.

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