I don’t know my blood type, I find it interesting that different cultures believe different things about the blood types.
I copy and pasted this but have a look guys.
Blood Type Personality Meaning
Type A
Advantages: obedient, careful, sympathetic, empathetic, self-sacrificing, polite, willing to compromise, honest, loyal
Disadvantages: worries a lot, emotional, weak-willed, indecisive, introverted, anti-social, wishy-washy, nervous
Type B
Advantages: cheerful, outgoing, optimistic, adventurous, active, sensitive, kind
Disadvantages: forgetful, undecided, disorganized, noisy, spontaneous, prone to exaggeration
Type AB
Advantages: sensitive, proud, diplomatic, discriminating, easy-going, sympathetic, efficient, learns quickly
Disadvantages: short-tempered, complains, dependent, moody, brooding
Type O
Advantages: confident, strong-willed, judgmental, dedicated, self-deterministic
Disadvantages: workaholic, insecure, emotional, stubborn, uncompromising, cold personality, over-confident, self-centered