June 2021's Writer Support Thread

Welcome back! Your dreams were your ticket out.

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I finished the (very, very basic) animation today! Woo! Now to voice it… RAWR!

But in all seriousness, school is being… well stressful. Assessments/in class tests are stressful, and I have an English draft due and the animation due on the same day, and I have a in class bio test happening the next day!

(Part of why I’m posting this comment here is me trying to motivate myself into working on the three of them!)


Hi, everyone!!
First of all, happy Pride month to the community members :rainbow: :bi_flag:
I was looking for a forum just like this, so I have a WIP going on and I have made it to the first chapter, that’s like 10k+ words in the two months that I started it. The problem however is that I have decided to write the whole story first then i can later rewrite it into code with the different paths , side stories and branches of endings that I wish and honestly…? I am stuck, and i don’t know what to do with my writers block, how do you guys cope/ deal with when your mind can’t even progress an inch? help me out.


Today I dropped my first WIP, which I was 10k words into. I was writing about something I was not knowledgeable in nor passionate about (running a coffee shop, basically coffee) and my perfectionist bone that wanted every detail to be accurate was just not having it.

Anyway, it led to the birth of an idea for a new WIP. The goals I have for this WIP for this month will be as follows:

ロFinish the first chapter with at least 10k words.
→ Write at least 2.5k words a week, ~400-450 words a day except for a day off each week
ロ Refine the skeleton of the story.
→ Mainly, add more details to the conflict aspect

That’s all for this month because school starts back up for me in the middle of June. I’ve spent most of my holidays writing and I’m not looking forward to going back to online classes, but a student’s gotta do what a student’s gotta do…

Wishing everyone a productive month! We can do this~


Usually when I’m stuck, I pop in my earbuds and play my favorite songs and think/dream about how my story is going to go, like I’m my MC and all the ways I would/could react to the situation.

Also having specific genres of music really helps for the more intricate and specific scenes. For example Three Days Grace’s song Riot for an angry mosh like/fight scene (At least for me :grin:)


I normally take a break, and watch some of my favorite TV shows and animated shows. Or I just disconnect completely from the story and let whatever I have simmer for 2 or 3 days a way to reset my brain.


Busting my butt writing faster than ever before! So far these last few weeks I’ve gotten my average word count per week up over 10k which is really pushing myself to the limit. I’m definitely experiencing fatigue, but I’m writing on a clock. Best of luck to you all on your projects!


I’d recommend walking away from it for a while. Do something relaxing to get your creative juices flowing again, like reading a book or watching some tv. Maybe go for a walk? It’ll still be there when you get back to it!


A couple pieces of advice I’ve heard but cannot make myself do, or don’t help me but might help you!

  • Skip to some part of the story that excites you, and write that. Might get the words flowing, so you can tackle the stuff that’s not as exciting.
  • As the others have said, take some time away and just let things percolate. Or work on related stuff that isn’t actually writing, like outlining.

What I actually do, which also may or may not help you.

  • Short, easy, daily goals. Break it into chunks as small as you need them to be. I started with 500 word bits, but they can be as small as you need to, as long as something happens every day. 50 words. A sentence. Generally with the really short ones you’ll find you can go over, but if you’re having a ‘blech’ day and just can’t, even accomplishing the minimum goal will keep you powering through it.

Importantly, at least in my (neurodivergent) case, this is “training.” Like with lifting weights or running or anything else, you get used to shorter lengths until they’re simple, and you can start stretching to bigger “minimums.” I am currently quite comfortably hitting a 1,000 word minimum a day, sometimes stretching to 2 or more. But I’m happy and content with just the minimum, and if momentum fades, I’m not afraid to drop it back down to 500 or some even smaller number. It’s the consistent forwardness that helps, as well as the positive reinforcement of being able to ‘succeed’ at something measurable every time I sit down to write.

Best of luck on your WIP, and I hope you find the advice or technique(s) that help(s) you! Happy Pride! :rainbow: :nonbinary_flag:


There are lots of helpful ideas on this forum as well.

Here are some

and I think this is my favourite comment

Hope you get back on the writing wagon soon!


Overcoming writers block is a skill you learn with practice. But everyone struggles at times.

Make notes, go for walks, find a process that works for you via trial and error




Laguz definitely nailed the cure for writer’s block. Was going to @ but realized, uh, Laguz is apparently no longer around.

I rarely have writer’s block, in that when I sit down to write the words eventually come. It’s more distraction that plagues me. I get little enough time where I could write as it is, and inevitably I waste a lot of it. This is especially true when bogged down in a segment where the amount of choices and branches feel too ponderous to go on, like I am now. Same thing happened with the pet chapter in Parenting. Just got to buckle down and force myself in front of the computer until I can get to a less brain-melting chapter.


Started off strong and then been lagging behind. I’m at 25,000 words.

I put together three confidence-building activities you can tackle in any order. Unfortunately, the first one is like 5,000 words long, the second 2,500, and the third like 1,000. I could either cut down the first one, build up the second two, or … cheat and just give a bigger confidence bonus for the longer one. Which is exactly what I did lol.

I’ve got to find a “hook” for each chapter that makes me excited to write it. The fourth chapter should be fine. I’ve got some fun moments I can do, a little game I can have fun coding. Getting started is the issue. Instead of getting started, I made a splash screen title for the game, something that’ll do for now.

see if you can guess which city it's set in


I am really struggling with finding names for everything. Chars, places, titles everything

@will I have no idea which city that might be


Happy cake day, Kaelyn.

I love coming up with names. If you’re struggling to name someone or something, I’m sure people on here would be happy to give you some suggestions, just let us know what you need!


@Kaelyn I practically live on fantasynamegenerator. Also nameberry has this neat little tool where you can pick it up to 10 names you like and it will generate similar names. I use that a lot too but that’s more realistic and only really useful for characters rather than places or organizations or what have you. But the fantasy name generator has practically everything and I find it helps inspire ideas even when I don’t use anything it generates.


Thank you, that is nice I do not want to burden someone, but If someone has fun in choosing names I could need Help with the following:

  1. A City Name former european
  2. A Name for a Ghost (m/f/NB) curious, polite interested in Others and extroverted
  3. A Name for a demon(m/f/NB) lazy, relaxed, sensual Open, sexy

The related setting is an post apocalyptic earth. After a great war the nature changed, suddenly the so called blood-rain(Name might Change) appeared all around the world. Getting in contact with the blood-rain causes in most people to get ill and more than 90% of humanity got killed by it. About 9% are immune to it, and 1% Changes. They mutate and became the monsters, named and categorized after our day Monsters. There are vampires, werewolves, shifter, undead and demons. Not exactly like the real ones but similar. Most cities vanished and the surviving people moved in big cities that were once protected by domes that shielded them from the blood-rain.
Now the domes are more and more malfunctioning and only few rich people can afford to live there. Most people live in Slums around the domes.

If someone has ideas I would like to hear them, DM me :hugs::grin:

@levviathan thank you, I will take a look :kissing_heart:


Usually the names for location denote something of the location or the founders: the purpose of the city, its origins, its natural enviroment. Don’t worry to sound weird or unoriginal because a lot of real life cities are like that (ex. Naples was founded as a Greek colony, the name comes from “Nea polis” meaning “new city”)

For living beings name…
well I’m writing a fantasy and I mix real life names with fictional ones and meaningfull with meaningless names without a scheme. Usually I use similar names (or with similar phonetic) for people from the same place or ethnics but that’s not an actual rule


I can’t name anything. It either takes me hours, or I go to my bookshelves and take first and last names from authors on the spines.