Best thing for writer’s block? Write.
I don’t care if your first paragraph was beautiful prose and your second is “The cat went and sat on the mat. It was cool. Jane walked over to the fridge and saw a note on the fridge. It said:”. I don’t give one single shit.
Plot and direction is important and everything else comes later. As long as you have a general idea of where you’re going, everything will fall into place soon enough. Just bullshit it. Just write the first couple things that come to mind.
They don’t have to be perfect intriguing plot points. They don’t have to be cliché-breakers. They don’t have to be insightful world-building or detailed description. Get the main shit down and carry on. Keep going. You can always come back on the second draft.
Don’t know what to do? Ask what is most likely to happen, and what is least likely to happen. Ask yourself what your characters might do in that situation, and what you might do. Jot that down, see which one might start something, and keep going.
Ask yourself about senses. Sight, touch, taste, smell. What your characters might be sensing. What the outside world might be seeing. What thoughts characters might be thinking, even, in reaction to that. Jot each sense down. Which one is more interesting?
Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. There are always going to be dips and slows and plot holes in anything. Anything, even the most masterful classics. Keep going.