Hello everyone! Back with another request for input. As will eventually be explained in-game, every person’s aura has a distinct feeling to it, which is inherently tied to their personality/tendencies/etc. This includes the MC. The exact feel to the MC’s aura will be different for different playthroughs. The consequences for this will probably be mostly cosmetic, but I’m thinking to tying them to romance paths as well (since having a certain feel to your aura could be either attractive or off-putting to potential partners), but I’m having a bit of indecision on what to base it on.
Current ideas floating around are:
Highest Utility Skill
Using the highest utility skill to determine the feel of a player’s aura seems like a good option because utility skills are a bit more diverse in terms of the interests they entail while Battle Skills are all inherently tied to fighting. I’d only have to worry about four possible aura vibes from a programming standpoint. But the player’s highest utility skill could potentially change, which means I’d have to create another “has a highest stat changed?” subroutine.
Player Class
Basing aura vibe off of player class offers the greatest amount of variety. 16 different options in fact which is a coding nightmare, I can tell already. This may be more trouble than its worth though, and a player’s class is even more prone to change than their highest utility skill. So there’s that.
A New Stat
I’ve been toying around with the idea of introducing either a Lawful/Chaotic or a Selfish/Selfless stat to determine how people without their own relationship stat react to the MC (sort of like a reputation, but except as an opposed stat). Since this stat would be broadly measuring MC behavior, it could be used as a way to determine aura vibe. It would probably take the most work to implement though. (And yet I’m probably going to end up adding this regardless of whether or not I tie it to aura vibe, so… I don’t know.)
Direct Choice
Alternatively, I could just let players directly choose the feel of their aura. This would also make the vibe of the MC’s aura relatively static, and give me much more control over when and if it ever changes. My main concern with this route is that it could break immersion, but then that’s probably just me being paranoid.
- Highest Utility Skill
- Player Class
- New Stat
- Direct Choice
0 voters
@cabinpersephone Seems that the work currently going into that scene isn’t going to waste then! Enough people have said they would like it that I’m glad I’m adding it. Hopefully it explains things about aura a tad better.
@bl00dragon Probably would be a bit too big, given time and resource constraints. But funny thing you should mention eventually going back to it…
@RanchoJoe Hm. If I can think of a sentimental but nonessential object to huck into a river, I may add this one. Speaking of that equipment left behind at the end of the first chapter, yes, it does change based on choices. And speaking of that, I’m really curious to know which classes ended up with which piece of equipment.