Invalide Expression

Error says:
startup line 9: Invalid expression, couldn’t extract another token: " "

Here’s the code:

*title Citizen Test
*author Brogan

*create score_a 0
*create score_b 0

*create a_name “ ”
*create b_name “ ”

*label teams
Team A create a name.

*input_text a_name

Team B create a name.

*input_text b_name

It’s the curly quotation marks, or more precisely the text editor you are using that is causing a problem. I’d recommend that you use notepad or notepad++ (a free download) to write your code as it doesn’t use fancy characters that will cause problems.

I see the curly quotes thing a lot - is a warning about this on the ‘how to write choicescript’ pages? If not, perhaps there should be.

thanks. I downloaded a new editor and now it works.