Interest Check Thread

YES IT IS! this story sounds awesome! And considering that the AI must have a endgame, well I’m gonna pull a Optamas prime!


Wow, okay then. This has given me the confidence to try and make a workable demo.

It is all taking place on Earth. As far as the timeline goes you were created in the 22nd century, but the story is largely taking place in the 25th century. Tech wise, the 22nd century is incredibly advanced. The kind of idealistic world of early science fiction writers. The 25th is much less so, most people living in villages with access to electricity but not much else. The Church is somewhere between the two.

Because of how much time has passed you will definitely need to make changes to your body, and depending on the route you take your body could become incredibly advanced, or just enough to get by. Your mind is self-evolving, based on the choices you make. As far as goals, that is up to the player. I have a few routes in mind, some of which you have already listed. Most have a sort of cold logic to them. I am trying to ensure that there is no objectively ‘good’ or ‘bad’ ending to the game.

Regarding emotions, or understanding of them, that is a statistic I have planned. It would be used in place of the typical charisma stat, and would affect your ability to interact with humans as well as their overall mistrust of you. As far as romance goes, you are an AI in a robot body. I have exactly one RO planned but it would be a lot of work on the player’s part to achieve. Many conditions would need to be met, highly specific choices, etc. For the most part, love is irrelevant to you.


I’m intrigued. Will the plot revolve around survival-theme – where instead of food and drink, it’s rust and battery fuel, maybe – or is it more centered on the thriller/intrigue plot as we try to evade the church and whatever conspiracies the age of the old going to unleash on our futuristic-self?


The latter. No need for batteries or fuel, though there will be some opportunities to improve your body should you make certain choices.


This sounds interesting. I would be interested in reading/playing this. Will it gender locked or gender choice? Also will we get to choice how our PC lookes or will it be a pre-set appearence or left ambiguous & up to the imagination of the reader?


No gender choice, but it isn’t locked either. An AI would have no concept of gender or need to characterise itself based on such a human idea. It will be left purposely ambiguous. As for what you look like there will be customisation such as height, build, and material.


Ah. K. Thank you for the clarification. I’m looking forward to playing the game


Will there be a option to transform in to micaniacl objects like a car or a truck or a tank or a giant metal fire breathing space T. rex?


Hahaha, no. Nothing like that is planned. You are not MechaGodzilla or anything.

Edit: I would ask that any further questions be reserved for the actual demo thread I will create (hopefully by next week). I don’t want to flood this thread with questions and answers.


I was thinking more on the lines of this:

But I’ll play the game either way!


Before I decide I have a few questions.

Can I constantly kill people without my character immediately feeling bad about what they did? I’ve played one to many games where after killing someone they felt bad and that’s not the type of character I want.

Can I be evil and manipulate other people? Can I change peoples mind make them go insane, make them do something they wouldnt normally do, make them depressed?

Is there a clearshot way for me to be evil? If I’m playing as a villain I do not want to play around the idea of killing someone and I don’t want my character to stop my whole master plan of killing people just because my character develops feeling for somebody. I would like to be evil through and through.

If two of the answers to this question is yes I’ll probably play it multiple times. If not I’ll probably play it once.


I love this answer and the current summary seems amazing I’m looking forward to it :grinning::grinning:


So, a little update. I have decided I will write this! I’m currently learning CS (i only know how to do choices atm bc im big dumb baby) and that’s take a little bit of time. Sooo, with that said, a demo should be up within like a month. Maybe. Probably. Okay, it might come out in 5 years. No promises.


a DEMOtest version of “Evil Beneath” will be released 31/10, in “Halloween” :ghost: :eyes:
It contains 22k words (+code.), It’s completely W.I.P, (work-in-progress) and everything including mechanics + concept is subject to change: this is not even remotely close to being finished, and I’m only looking forward to feedback on my writing, in the story, about mechanics and concepts, bugs, things to be improved, etc.
I’ll upload it to Dashingdon, where it will be on a “Dark Tech” theme, as I found it fits the game, and atmosphere perfectly.
If people aren’t comfortable with this theme for game demonstration I’m open to switching it up to a better and more comfortable theme.


Hov evil can you be in this game???


An “Evil” Run will be able to be done. As independently, survival is almost impossible, It will be much harder to do than a Regular Run, many of these evil decisions will turn against you, like karma.

There’s even a route where you can turn into a highly-modified mutant, with full retention of human intelligence and memory, just no feelings and “mortal” weaknesses, oh, and a thirst for blood.

But overall it’s about surviving with others, and finding the truth, while staying alive, obviously: and, at the same time, to get used to this new society that the “pathogen” has built, a society where hungry monsters haunt you everywhere, and want you to join them to collapse every trace of humanity in existence.

Not everything is ‘sunshine and roses’ when it comes to the survivors you find. Many have specific stories and personalities behind them that can even get them to turn against you.
Relationship bars also have a part in this. (A mechanic of the game.)

You will have to decide between who lives and who dies, or you won’t.
Life doesn’t give you a choice.
But there will be a very pleasant “true” ending, which will harder to obtain than the other endings.

The demo that will be released is pretty short but should cover my basic thought as to what the game is right now. As to why I request feedback and others a lot: I would love to also have a view of the people for the game.

Now, another thing offtopic is: Feedback on LGBTQ+ character customization would also be appreciated a lot. I’ve had a lot of experience and friends that belong to the LGBTQ community, but I don’t know if that will ever be enough, so I would also appreciate people that help out and offer feedback on how to write a story that covers your every decision.


Need testers? I’m open to help out.

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Against my better judgement, I may take up a challenge from a friend to see if I can a write a more serious toned story which kind of falls out of my usual routine in black comedy and anime-esque tropes. So I thought of a few ways to do this:

The Mask Laughs: A story about a special squad of bodyguards to the emperor and their children. Each will likely have one specific person that they are meant to keep alive. Since we see so many Westernized stories, I thought a nice change of pace would be something along Arabic or Egyptian cultures if you replace the emperor with a pharaoh.

While extremely good at their jobs, they live with incredibly less than ideal conditions. Such as the masks that cover their faces can’t be removed or they are expected to sacrifice everything close to them for what is generally a benevolent ruler ship for their time. Not that everything they do is always for the greater good. Do what your told and lose every part of yourself to further the cause or stand apart and be an outcast from everybody?

Overclocked: A supernatural thriller. A middle aged office worker dies. That’s it. They’re dead. Along with everyone they knew from their work. As a creature informs you, their is a way to come back to life, at least until it’s actually your time again. All you have to do is win the game. A game that tests someone’s worth to determine if they should live again. Is that going to be you? If it is, are you just going to forget that you cost everyone else their chances of ever returning?

Inbetween The Lines: This is a more down to earth kind of story and probably one that shouldn’t be touched, due to the fact that I’m pretty sure, it’s too dangerous of flame war bait if I went through with it. It’s the concept of struggling artists in a ruthless authoritarian country where freedom of expression is shut down. Either fall in line with what the (Obviously fictional nation) wants you to do and what they tell you to support or go against their rules and risk the idea of never painting anything ever again. It’s not a game about making grand gestures. It’s about just trying to make it until the end. Which I think…yes, it would hypothetically be very dramatic, but the risk of racking up even more hate mail than I already get from people who want to draw real life parallels into fiction would be great.

But I will just leave these ideas afloat, since I’m not really sure which one would be better and I honestly mostly think I’m just best suited into staying out of attempting any serious kind of drama. That won’t stop me from trying however, if need be.


The masked laughs sounds the most exciting to me if done right even a decision that was made earlier could have the biggest impact that could fuck up or perfect a future event.

While generally common plot there are plenty of ways to change the general purpose of these by making the reader think one thing but something else entirely happens.

Assuming it’s based on Ancient/Present Egyptian culture (favorite of mine) and it’s not set in the UK or America I’m down for anything of the sort.


I don’t find the concept itself too exciting in nature, but I think a change of setting for stories would be refreshing. Not that having a basic plot is always bad. It’s how the story is told…so I can do little with that too.

Though you can always make characters so they don’t have to be completely generic archetypes in a generic story. There’s no reason to have to put a princess in the three standard flavors of uppity brat, tomboy, or naive girl. Like if I went and made it so it’s a familiar kind of tone but not with the standard kind of cast…who knows.