I’m having trouble with choice about the character.
The error I’m getting is startup line 42: increasing indent not allowed, expected 3 was 4
My code looks like this:
*comment Copyright 2010 by Dan Fabulich.
*comment Dan Fabulich licenses this file to you under the
*comment ChoiceScript License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may
*comment not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*comment You may obtain a copy of the License at
*comment http://www.choiceofgames.com/LICENSE-1.0.txt
*comment See the License for the specific language governing
*comment permissions and limitations under the License.
*comment Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
*comment software distributed under the License is distributed on an
*comment either express or implied.
*title My First ChoiceScript Game
*author Anonymous
*create leadership 50
*create strength 50
First of all, create your own character, you will have to improve it in the story. But Later !
You're submerged under the water, You can't see or hear anything, you can't move either.
But something is easily notcieable, a voice, but it's not someone, ot's something, in your head.
"What are you, my child ?" The voice is slow,
*choice gender
#I'm a boy.
"And how is your body my dear son ?"
*choice body1
#A slim and slender, muscular body.
#An effeminate body, with beautiful hips and pianist hands.
#A slightly voluminous but charming body.
#A strong and trained body with beautiful voluptuous muscles.
#A big body and a high weight, but nice to look at.
#I'm a girl.
"And how is your body my dear daughter ?"
*choice body2
#A slim and slender, muscular body.
#An effeminate body, with beautiful hips and pianist hands.
#A slightly voluminous but charming body.
#A strong and trained body with beautiful voluptuous muscles.
#A big body and a high weight, but nice to look at.
#I'm not a girl or a boy, i'm just myself.
"And how is your body my dear child ?"
*choice body3
#A slim and slender, muscular body.
#An effeminate body, with beautiful hips and pianist hands.
#A slightly voluminous but charming body.
#A strong and trained body with beautiful voluptuous muscles.
#A big body and a high weight, but nice to look at.
"Now, what is your name sweetie ? I have to make sure you know at least a bit about yourself."
*input_text name
Thats an indentation problem (i.e. spacing) btw can you write text in preformatted text so we can see it properly with spacing.
But from looking at it, it seems *choice body is indented too far by one space.
First of all, create your own character, you will have to improve it in the story. But Later !
You're submerged under the water, You can't see or hear anything, you can't move either.
But something is easily notcieable, a voice, but it's not someone, ot's something, in your head.
"What are you, my child ?" The voice is slow,
*choice gender
#I'm a boy.
"And how is your body my dear son ?"
*choice body1
#A slim and slender, muscular body.
#An effeminate body, with beautiful hips and pianist hands.
#A slightly voluminous but charming body.
#A strong and trained body with beautiful voluptuous muscles.
#A big body and a high weight, but nice to look at.
#I'm a girl.
"And how is your body my dear daughter ?"
*choice body2
#A slim and slender, muscular body.
#An effeminate body, with beautiful hips and pianist hands.
#A slightly voluminous but charming body.
#A strong and trained body with beautiful voluptuous muscles.
#A big body and a high weight, but nice to look at.
#I'm not a girl or a boy, i'm just myself.
"And how is your body my dear child ?"
*choice body3
#A slim and slender, muscular body.
#An effeminate body, with beautiful hips and pianist hands.
#A slightly voluminous but charming body.
#A strong and trained body with beautiful voluptuous muscles.
#A big body and a high weight, but nice to look at.
"Now, what is your name sweetie ? I have to make sure you know at least a bit about yourself."
*input_text name
You could also use the implicit_control_flow variable. It makes things more easy and helps keeping your code more clean, without requiring a *goto at the end of each *if block and *choice
I used to do that, but for some reason every time I wanted to put a *fake_choice I couldn’t find that goddamned “_” in my keyboard. Which is very ironic, since I can write implicit_control_flow