I am looking for a little help with an error (again). When running the story, I get the error “increasing indent not allowed, expected 0 was 2” after selecting a choice.
My code looks like this:
*label startskills
Now that's all formalised, tell me a little about yourself. What would you consider to be your greatest skill?
#My combat skills
*set combat +3
*goto physicallooks
#My quick thinking
*set intelligence +3
*goto physicallooks
#My manipulative skills
*set deception +3
*goto physicallooks
#My agility and reflexes
*set agility +3
*goto physicallooks
#My dedication and perseverance
*set perseverance +3
*goto physicallooks
*label physicallooks
Please can someone help me with what’s wrong here. Thanks so much for the support.