Hello everyone, thank you for reading my post! I mentioned this concept in the interest check thread, and have decided to post a short demo to gain further feedback as to whether or not I should continue with this venture. Immaculate Decay is an adaptation of a short story of the same title that I penned several years ago. At it’s heart, it is a love story, that follows the exploits of a serial killer, who feels romantic love towards the concept of death. Originally the story was voiced from a female perspective, but after viewing commentary on the forum regarding gender-locking, I have reworked the story to be all inclusive. Be advised that this work contains mature themes, including (but not limited to) graphic descriptions of violence, and murder.
It is worth noting, that I intend to complete a previously started WIP (Wellspring: Origin) before continuing full force with this project. However, I will continue to make periodic updates to this tittle, should there be sufficient interest. Thank you in advance for your feedback! (any and all feedback/criticism/inquiries welcome and appreciated!)
I kinda want this to turn supernatural. Grim Reaper or Death appears and they want us to kill more and more so we can be closer and together except it’s all in our head.
This is a very interesting concept and the writing is really well done. Quick question, though: would you be open to the idea of Death being a lady or a man, depending on the reader’s choice?
I was intrigued by the very concept, and then the very first page of the demo had me completely. This is definitely interesting and I’m glad you included the gender-choice. Can’t wait to see where this goes!
Thank you all for the feedback! I apologize for the length of the story thus far, but my intention was to provide more of an “expanded concept” than a full demo. I will provide more content shortly. @Samuel_H_Young I will certainly expand the narrative to include options for death to be perceived as male and non-binary.
The disparity between the two, I find, is infinitely more appropriate.
It serves as a clear cut distinguisher between narration and dialogue and also as to further cement the fundamental nature of our character. Which is, outwardly placid (depending) and inwardly complex in thought and philosophy.