Right, so I’ve got a quick question.
In one scene, there are four roommate options. I did not create a specific scene for them all, but after one choice, your stat increases with your roommate.
So, my thought process is to create several *if statements, and if one of them is true, your respective roommate stat goes up (keep in mind, each roommate has their OWN stat column. It’s not just a “roommate” stat in the stats menu, it’s four different names.)
So, it might look like this… pretend I used the right spacing.
#Increase roommate stat option
Pretend this has correct spacing!
*if (roommate = “roommate1”)
*set roommate1 %+5
*if (roommate = “roommate2”)
*set roommate2 %+5
Etc etc etc, but with FOUR roommate options.
Would this work? Would I have to incorporate *else and *elseif , somehow? I would have, but since there are more than two/three options, I didn’t know if it was possible.
Thank you for reading my nonsense!
Here’s a quick solution:
*temp roommate ""
*temp John 1
*temp Ashley 1
Who is your roommate?
*set roommate "John"
*goto next
*set roommate "Ashley"
*goto next
*label next
Improve relationship (currently at 1)
*set {roommate} +40
John = ${John}
Ashley = ${Ashley}
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You can use either. Generally, *elseif and *else are recommended because they’re less likely to be skipped in the event of a bug, but if you’re pretty clear on your code, you can do whatever. Also, you could help yourself greatly if you switched roommate to a numeric variable instead of a string.
#Blah blah look at this choice.
*if roommate = 1
*set roommate1 %+5
*elseif roommate = 2
*set roommate2 %+5
*elseif roommate = 3
*set roommate3 %+5
*elseif roommate = 4
*set roommate4 %+5
*bug Variable "roommate" below 1 or above 4, please report to forum thread.
*goto nextchoice
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Thank you tremendously! This helps a lot. I really appreciate it!!
Thank you so much! This really helps me out
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