I’m really new to this//coding in general, but this is driving me up the wall.
Is it possible to use if/else choices to create alternate display texts? I thought it was, but whenever I try it just skips to the first “if” option regardless of what the stats are.
I’ve been trying to set it so that if you have a high enough stat in one category, you’ll get alternate scenes.
I think it might have something to do with the way my stats are set up, but I’m not sure. It’s a percentage stat, so I don’t know if I can do the (*create example true) variable that I’ve been seeing.
Currently my coding is:
*if Wilder_romance >15
Wilder clears ${pronoun2} throat nervously
“Well, um…” A small smile curls at the corner of my mouth. It’s very rare to see Wilder genuinely flustered, and I always appreciate the sight.
“Would you like to dance,” I ask {pronoun3}, reaching out a hand for him to take. If I'm not mistaken, I think I see the tips of Wilder's ears turn red. !{pronoun} runs a hand through ${pronoun2} hair nervously.
Accepting my extended hand, Wilder delicately puts {pronoun2} right hand in my left, and places {pronoun2} other hand on my waist.
*goto Boom
Wilder clears ${pronoun2} throat, slightly uncomfortable.
“Well, ${title}. Has anyone caught your eye yet?”
I smile at the teasing tone in Wilder’s voice. It’s pleasant to hear someone talk to me so casually after an evening full of rigid formality.
*goto Boom
If anyone can help, I would appreciate it. I have the first chapter almost finished, but mentally I can’t move on until I get this solved.