Hello everyone, I’ve got a bit of a head scratcher here… I cannot figure out what the problem is, and I’m hoping someone here can help me!
The Context:
I’m using choicescript IDE (and I’m pretty new to choicescript in general).
So on a secondary stat page that I creating using the *choice command, I’m trying to show the appearance of a couple npc’s, but the npc’s are gender customizable so I’m using *if commands to distinguish between a masculine appearance vs. feminine so that it will change the description that will appear on the stat page depending on the gender the player selects for either npc.
Here’s the layout of the code before I get to the problem…
#Character Appearances (this gets you to the secondary stat page)
*if npc1_appearance_set
*if npc1_male = true
He blah blah blah
She blah blah blah
*if npc2_appearance_set
*if npc2_male = true
He blah blah blah
She blah blah blah
The Problem:
When I’m test running the game, if I choose the option that npc1 is male, then it will show npc1’s info perfectly but not the information for npc2, no matter their gender. If I choose female for npc1, both of npc2’s genders will show up as I’d like them to. This leads me to believe that it’s only when npc1_male = true that npc2 doesn’t show up, but I don’t know how to fix this. Also, if I flip them so the code for npc2 shows up before npc1, the same thing happens. If I choose the male option for npc2 then the stat page won’t display info for npc1.
Alternatively, if no one can figure out how to fix it, is there another way I can code this to get the information across? At this point there are only two major npc’s in the story, but there’s going to be more, and I want to include a physical description of all of them on that stat page, so if anyone has pointers on the easiest way to do this, I’m all ears (I’m sure it would be ten times easier if I didn’t make npc genders customizable, but gender-locking them is a short term solution and doesn’t really teach me what I’m doing wrong code wise.)