So, the history is set about 250 million years ago, before the great extinction
civilizations and races live in Pangaea, the super-continent
they were created by a precursor race that comes from outer space, and had an internal war which caused destruction in our world, and now all races must unite and face coming danger!
In red, the human territory
In green, the orc territory
In orange?, the elven rebels
In olive green i guess, the elven empire
In orange, the precursor/elven hybrid
In grey, the Lost Lands (long time ago it was occupied by precursors)
I agree with Khanra. But I would take it a step further and say either do elves/orcs that no one has ever done before or create entirely new species. The same old ones get kind of boring.
Was time travel involved to bring humans back to this time period? That can be interesting
Since this is right before the Permian-Triassic extinction, is there going to be any connection with that? Are you going to make use of Permian creatures?
Well, certainly. But you said humans, specifically, so my question was about how humans ended up back there, before there were even mammals… if time travel was involved with that.
That might be a place to look if you’re thinking about new species other than elves and dwarves… something based on a gorgonopsid or early archosaur could be quite distinctive
If you can’t think of a name, why don’t you ask the community for help? It might be easier when hear some suggestions from others, or look up words in some other language that are a good description of what your race is like?
I think i read somewhere on the choice of games official website three different options but the most widely used and imo the best one is dashingdon. Of course I can no longer find the page where I believe I read it. So it may not exist.
I mean, the idea seems interesting, but more would need to be added for me to really have any real thoughts. Like how each group acts, the overall setting (aside from the location), backstory, so on.
In the land between the human and orc territory theres a large gap maybe you can add lizard men there? Same thing with the area between the elven and human territory there maybe add dark elfs?