I, the Forgotten One Release Thread (1.2)

Wait, you mean we have to pay them? I thought they agreed to fight alongside so wouldn’t be invaded…:flushed:

Excuse my lack of knowledge in war

Indeed, it’s not a very logical thing to do. But one of the themes of ITFO IMO is that people aren’t always logical (including the Marshal).

On an unrelated note, I just finished a strong cold Elya run (following BlindSwift’s awesome quintuple guide). Both strong warm Elya and strong cold Elya are equally badass —for example, when the Marshal threatens the Archbishop, strong warm Elya states that she has no authority to stop the Marshal from completing their threat because she’s not a Queen in the eyes of the Church and has no wish to overstep, while strong cold Elya hints that she’s not not okay with the Marshal carrying out their threat so why would she stop them?— and I love it. However they (strong warm and strong cold Elya) both seem to wear the crown for the same reasons , because many people died so that they could wear it and the dead must be honored and I’m not sure if that’s on purpose. I don’t mind if it is on purpose—it shows that Elly has some core aspects even though she skews warm or cold.

@Unwornpitviper no cheat menu plans for now or in the future, to my knowledge.


I typically like warm Elya over cold Elya but one of my favorite moments has to be when on the march to the castle and you have cold elya. If you tell her it’s your duty to be there she starts acting like a mini marshall. A.K.A. she starts ranting that duty is a lie and no one really has a duty to do anything for anyone else. To which the main character is obviously pretty spooked especially if you tell her that the world burns with that mindset.


I love the game! I’m sorry if this has been asked before, is there going to be a cheat menu of any kind added?

I think it will be good ending if let Mira suicide in bastard route. She deserve it.and I don’t understand why some people can respect or pity her after what all she done to MC.

I think you are misunderstanding most people’s reaction to Mira. It’s not that we respect or pity her (even though she is a figure of pity in some ways). It’s that the Marshal pursuing a path of vengeance is quite possibly the WORST act for their own mental health. There is rarely, if ever, catharsis in vengeance and striking out as vengeance for Mira’s past actions is just allowing her to control you further.

How do you play the game? If you play on Steam there is a save game editor available. Just google CoG Save Game Editor.

Well, on one hand, given what we see in the ending where the MC dies MC might not NEED Darin’s support, but he sure as shit shouldn’t be actively trying to get on his bad side. That’s a good way to get a crossbow bolt through the neck.

On the other hand, Darin is the MC’s defacto father figure, and someone who has gone through similar mental anguish. He sees the actions the MC takes in the bastard king route as inherently self destructive (which I personally agree with). As an older parental figure, sure you don’t HAVE to listen to him, but for someone who has been shown to genuinely care for you it is probably a good idea to at least hear them out.


Will Author still have new update?

Tywin was not monster and he was winning as long he lived.

mc doesn’t need darin’s support and he has no right to decide what is better for mc and what should he do.

he is not my mc’s father. he is just peasant who thinks like peasant. mc has only one father and that is sobik who is dead.

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He is king without crown.he is best example for machiavellian ruler. Best effective Ruler.

Edit: It seems I was originally wrong. Tywin is worse than I thought. Originally I pointed out how burning the riverlands to the ground was a strategic but morally wrong move and was just part of war. It turns out no, he didn’t do this when there was an open revolt but he did this in retaliation to his son being arrested. So he senselessly orders his most brutal officer to take a group of cavalrymen and raid their way through the middle of the kingdom for a minor arrest that could have been solved just by appealing to Robert to have Tyrion freed which he likely would have ordered.

Notice “As long as he lived” His downfall was due to his hate towards Tyrion it wasn’t pragmatic hate, nor was it justifiable hate. But it was hate nonetheless. If tywin acted like a “good” person to his own flesh and blood he would have been able to live longer, as soon as he started to discriminate against his own son he lost completely.

I edited the original post after further research to point out exactly why sending The Mountain out was a monstrous thing to do. It turns out no this was not done during the war this was while the kingdom was still at peace. So the war excuse doesn’t fit.


It is war anyway .I think Not have monster in War .and this method make him win.

I play on mobile, I can grab it on Steam too.

If you go through your PC directly onto the website and see the download options you might be able to download it through one of those available options depending on where you bought the game on mobile. If so you don’t need to get the game on steam to use the save editing tool.

Edit: For further looking into how to save edit here you go.

The thread talks about multiple ways of going about it on various different platforms

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Does Dimas always die ? How to save him?

To save dismas choose the choice to save him after the archers attack and don’t give Lada your shield. Lada ends up injured but okay. Without the Shield Dismas dies.


I don’t understand why Milton want to flirt with FMarshall? He know she is dishonored and that maybe he can’t married with her.because he is duke and she is lowlife dishonored now.she is no title ,lack politic power.

Maybe I miss some traditional in this book

He says why in Chapter 4: “She’s a war hero, close to the Queen, unbound by titles…” (very close to verbatim quote). He also has another reason for pursuing the Marshal, one that I won’t spoil, but you probably do know if you’ve read the thread.

@fsix while he does have other reasons, “she’s pretty and I can fix her” is definitely part of it lol. It’s surprising and rare when the RO thinks that about the MC rather than the other way around.


For anyone who is curious, I’m in the process of writing down a leadership guide, it’s the one I’m planning to use for my main run, so I figured I’d write down the choices. I also used it to note down some achievements, and the various ways for you to raise respect with your family.


For the same reason people who play these interactive fiction games and also people in RL go for RO who are Blatant Red Flags. They find it irresistibly attractive.

(Milon has additional reason for his flirting, which he potentially reveals: famale MC and Milon were briefly engaged, before MC’s parentage was revealed)

Yes, i’ve personally found it hilarious both Lada and Milon are acting very much like CoG/Hosted Games players, chasing after Red Flag MC.


Do think what happened with Kantos if Marshall die? I think mostly enemies fear Marshall.without Marshall,maybe there are more invader besides Rade.maybe this kingdom will be fallen.