I have to get this off my chest, I mean no harm, I just expect better

@Samuel_H_Young I don’t think so. I think the delays, except the sound implementation one, have happened so DH could be on Rock Star’s mailing list.

Probably not. There’s some marketing theory Dan ascribes to that advocates against such a practice.

@jasonstevanhill so im guessing itll be another week huh?/:

I’ll suppose I’ll wait, then.

@jasonstevanhill Will Rockstar just be delayed for Apple, or? I was hoping to purchase it this Friday off the google play store or Amazon.

@jasonstevanhill thank you and i hope Dan gets better. Sorry if my post came across as offensive, that was not my intention. Again, thanks for the info and I do truly love everyones creative and tiresome work/dedication.

Edit: also crossing my fingers, that there won’t be any delays. =\

I’m not sure if someone has suggested it so far, but has Management considered making a Facebook page for Choice of Games?

Choice of Games has a facebook page.

Yeah, they’ve got a facebook page. Just search up Choice of Games

Derp on my account, then.

Is there still a possibility they’ll be released on Friday?

Concretely, App Store rankings consider your downloads within the last 4 days to compute ranking. So if you get 1000 downloads on opening day, that is much better than getting 500 downloads on day 1 and then 500 downloads on day 2.

Any new game gets a few downloads just from being a new app; some people will just try anything new. But we also get a lot of downloads when we announce the game on our mailing list (it’s a pretty good list, 40K people.) So if we can drive as many downloads as possible during opening day, the game will rank higher, maybe #1 or #2 on the “Paid RPGs” list. Then some people will buy it just because it’s highly ranked. The game then slowly slides down the list as downloads trickle out.

So it’s a bad idea to release a game without announcing it promptly.

Yeah I agree. I’ll just wait until Rock Star is ready. Though Andy told me DH is available in the UK.

I did a google search and found a listed release date for DH of Weds 19th… I downloaded it from the UK App Store just after midnight (UK time) today: about 48 mins ago

It’s nearly 8 here, so DH could be available in about 4 hours.

I’m in the UK as well but I can’t find it, can you post the link @andymwhy ?

@HornHeadFan “Do authors generally engage in their own marketing?”

Probably nowhere near as much as they should, or could, in many cases, but I suspect this is more a lack of experience / advice / ideas / discussion on the subject than it is a lack of actual desire or time… @JimD did write an interesting article for the Wiki on this very subject which provides a good starting point, but I doubt it has had the attention it deserves (so here comes the plug!):

It was removed from the market because it wasn’t technically supposed to be put yet. Hopefully it’ll be back up tomorrow, though.


So… the good news is that Rock Star just entered review at Apple. Hopefully it’ll exit review in the next hour, and we’ll be able to release both tomorrow as planned.