I made the mistake of readnig this demo today and now I am in the same boat. I want to punch that guy so badly.
This sounds cool. I logged in just to ask-- is this related to Hunter: The Reckoning the videogame??
I remember playing this game on xbox when I was a kid.
It’s part of the same franchise, but the setting and characters are original.
Is it impossible to pursue a romance path with Daniel in the demo?
From the code, it appears so! I remember having my PC confess her feelings for Daniel to Cormac, and he pretty much confirmed that Daniel’s currently too self-absorbed to notice anyone else ‘and then there’s that whole thing with Kitty’.
I’m such a silly person. It took me a very long time to realise that we can encounter different ROs in the cave, not just Cormac. My people-pleasing pansexual PCw ended up encountering mostly Cormac, or, on a couple of occasions, Simon!
Yeah, we can counter Kitty and Claudia as well
Hi, may I ask for help triggering an encounter with Simon in the cave?
Build your relationship with him as much as you can up to that point. Focus on and support him in conversations. Stay close to him when members of the group go their separate ways. Choose to spend your summers studying folklore. Don’t get close to Cormac - you don’t have to shun him, but choose polite options rather than friendly ones when you talk to him.
@AletheiaKnights Thank you! I think I may have been too friendly with Cormac.
Has anyone figured out how to save Aine?
You have to stay with Aine at thier place (Also pass the checks) then latter go with Aine to talk to the other women (Also pass the checks) and say to them that you would do anything to save them which will gave you a option to make a deal with them latter on