NOTE: I am not Dan. This code is unofficial and very ugly. While it is relatively harmless, it COULD destroy your property. By downloading the files provided, I cannot be held responsible for anything that may happen.
Tired of that BLAND and BORING old lookin’ text in your game?
SplatCorp is proud to introduce PipeScript!
Make your fellow CoG authors jealous with NEW font styles:
• italic
• bold
• larger
• smaller
• teletype
Get your copy here:
(*Batteries not included.)
1) Downloading
To download the archive from the Google Docs website, click on:
File > Download
2) Installation
To install this modification, copy both javascript files into ChoiceScript’s “web” folder.
3) Use
You should now have access to 5 new commands:
If you’re familiar with ChoiceScript, using any of these should be a snap. Otherwise, here’s an example:
Hello. How are
*bold you
The above ChoiceScript ‘code’ would appear like this in your game:
Hello. How are you doing?
4) Notes
The code sucks. The way I implement text styles prevents you from stacking them. It also generates an automatic space before and after the bit of text you stylize.
Text like this: “italic text.”
Actually renders like this: " italic text. "
I’ve tested my code against the latest build of ChoiceScript as of March 27, 2012.
While it works for my own purposes, the modifications will very likely break while running your ChoiceScript code. I started learning JavaScript only a few hours ago. I probably won’t be able to help you if my code doesn’t work. That however doesn’t mean I won’t give it a shot.
If you’d like to have a laugh, simply search “PIPEBRAIN” in either javascript file to find my additions.