So, um, hello.
I’ve been working on this game for like… two months now? I’ve only gotten halfway through the prologue, and I meant to write more before I shared it with you guys, but my computer developed this GIANT crack in the screen. It makes it difficult to write for one, and then I have to move all my data to a new computer (which I’m not sure when I’ll be able to afford), and uh, yeah. LONG STORY SHORT-- I’m not sure when I can work on this again, so I figure I’d give some of it to you now.
The demo is probably super buggy, and not that long. Oh, and I just started with the stats a week ago, so they’re sort of… yeah. This is honestly more of a ‘sup, just letting you know I’m doing this’ rather than a SRS BIZNISS DEMO. That doesn’t mean I’m not interested in feedback, of course! It just means that… idk, this isn’t meant to be taken that seriously at the moment. SOON, THOUGH ;D
The gist of the story is this: You are the son or daughter of The Seat, a powerful man who holds a sort of feudal power of the powerful city-state, Serres. In the past ten years, the city has spiraled into a political mess-- The Seat’s Consul has become corrupted with wealth; the shady coterie known simply as The Guild has, underneath their new ‘King’, flourished into a nearly unstoppable power; and the common people, strangled by both The Consul and The Guild, have created a resistance group called Genesis. As if that wasn’t enough, the two other cities on the Peninsula are becoming more bold in their grasp for power, land, and religious supremacy.
tl;dr – stuff goes down in your city and you’re in the worst possible position.
A little more information, if you need it… How the Cards Fall takes place in a world that I’ve had in my head since I was twelve. This world is saturated in ‘gods’ (who are more like Japanese gods then, say, Greek ones, but there is still a difference), and the only place in the world where there are no gods to be found is the Péninsule (because of reasons). If that’s a crap explanation, or you have more questions, just ask. I mainly plan on this being a political game, that relies a lot on conversations and alliances. But never fear! There will be blood, and lots of it c:
Oh, and sorry it ends so abruptly. Also I’m sorry it sucks so badly OTL