Help! All My Games Are Restarting!

All of my Hosted Games (I haven’t checked my Choice Of Games titles yet) are restarting after I have closed them!

When I reopen them, the last page accessed appears – for a few seconds. Then the game suddenly restarts and reverts to the opening screen!

This happens on BOTH my phone, AND on my tablet, and is COMPLETELY NEW behavior!

It happens in ALL the games I’ve tried so far!

Please investigate this…


Oh muk the issues spreading?! :fearful:


Maybe there’s been an update to the CS base code?
I think that would make everything have to reset.

The issue seems to affect all standalones thought … at least for me and there not just one time resets

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The best way to report an issue is to contact

Thought this might be of interest to people:


The isssue is its no longer just those two i have tested multipile other games (scarlet sales and tale of two cranes for example but also choice of vampire and life of a spaceship captain) and almost all of them are having the same issue as the two new ones (yes i have reported this now)


Yes; they uploaded the fix for all games. My entire library had updates yesterday on Steam.

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I’ll remember that for the future.

Meanwhile, all my games are STILL restarting!!! So, whatever you “fix” was, it didn’t work… or at least, not for me.



Sigh same here (to op and any others having the issue werewolf the appocalypse seems to work fine if you want to play something with breaks)


Just so that everyone knows: Of all my games that I’ve tested so far, they all (still) behave this way except for one:

The game Alter Ego remains stable and playable, and retains its position even after after being closed and reopened.

Ooooo! And I just discovered! Stonghold seems to be behaving normally, too!


Lies under ice seems to work too also runt of the litter

The first update to fix this indeed did not work, but we put out another one today that should resolve it for real, and seems to have worked in our testing and for several other people who were reporting the problem. The updates go out gradually to all the different apps individually in the Play Store, so they may not be live everywhere yet, but they should be soon if not.



The second round of updates are now in place, and all of my games are now operating correctly!


…Uhm, can anyone explain what all the trouble was…???

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Im curious too issues of new games dont just apear on old ones did we have a update on evrything or something?

Edit i guess not

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It sounds like a frustrating issue. You should contact support, always helps for me

If you look at the comments the issue was already fixed by now :sweat_smile:

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If you glance at the third message previous to yours, you’ll find that I have already noticed this. Thanks.

But I’m still curious as to what the problem was.

I was answering to the person above my message and i also want to know what happend


Emily Litella voice: “Never miiiiiiind.” :open_mouth: