I have with deligth discoverd this site ( sorry for my bad english).
I am a french librarian lady and even if i read well english, i cant prevent to write in english with always french grammar in my mind.
I want first to thanks and grats for the quality of the stories.
On another subject i think that i seen a mistake in choice of vampire, with sainte Chapelle as maker , with french heir as background you loose 1 point in creation when you choose your first name.
I seen that the fabulous Dan Fabulich participed in the site, perhaps would it be possible to adapt the superbe alter ego game ( that he helped to keep alive) ?
Hello and welcome to Choice of Games! I speak a little French myself and I understand your grammar problems :). I hope you love the games as much as we all do and we are glad to see Choice of Games is open to people of many languages.
i remember checking one of his file-uploading accounts from the google group once, and indeed I think he has had something to do with alter ego at one time or another. I played it about a month ago to see what all the fuss was about, and it was indeed quite a cool game. If all the copyright issues or whatever were sorted out then I’d definately like to see it re-released sometime.
Dan Fabulich created the web version of Alter Ego and helped that this great game not fall in oblivion.
I think that creating an expended version of alter ego could be a nice challenge.
The Alter ego group Dan fabulich created for the web version of alter ego http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/alt-ego/
This weirdly happen just with french heir lady background but now that i check again to redo this, sometime at the choice of name, i have 2 points in creation and lose one once choice done, or i have 1 point and lose none.
C est etrange cela arrive seulement avec french heir background, parfois j ai deux points en creation et j en perds un , lors du choix du prenom, parfois je n ai que un points et a chaque fois en faisant les memes choix.
Comment arrivais-tu a deux points en creation? Si tu a choisi “french heir”, tu ne recevois rien points en creation. Aussi, le choix de patron ne change pas les points de creation. Donc, je peux pas estimer comment tu arrivais a deux points. Si je ne comprends pas comment tu arrivais a deux points, c’est difficile de comprends comment tu en a manque d’un.
Je me demands si tu n’en a manque un, mais que tu en a recu “randomly” avec Azelie. Voici: immediament avant on choisit le prenom, on recois un point “randomly”. J’estime que tu a recu un point libre en creation avec Azelie, et un point libre en perception avec Helene.