Heirs (WIP)

Sounds cool so far looking forward to the next demo update

Yo… I’m excited



I am really interested in this! I look forward a lot to it!

If I may ask, will there be polygamy options?
Also if you got someone pregnant I imagine a lot of things could vary depending on who it is. For example the princess or priestess.

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I honestly love this game so much i hope the next update is near. It just can’t come soon enough.

Holyyyy shitesss dis looks saucy imma try it, and edit dis comment after wahhahhaha~

Edit: Damn, theres little content for me to be able to criticize? is that the right word? it so imma hold off myself till then heh


With the recent influx of posts I was thinking there was an update. I guess not.

Still don’t know much, but I can see this going 3 ways for me:

  1. Hayro because broody guy in position of authority is hot.

  2. Nyfilem because demon.

  3. Cyrus because he realizes I’m nothing like my mother.

Hello! I just wanted to stop by and verify that the game is indeed still being worked on though I’m really terrible at checking the forums in general. I want the next update to be lengthy as the first was rather short.

Thank you all for the kind words and expressed excitement it really means a lot.

Sorry idk what this is referring to.

There won’t be any poly options and it’s largely because of the reason you mentioned already, there’s too much variation as it is.


New Game + basically just means you restart the game, but with something carried over from the previous game. What gets carried over depends on the game, but it’s just some small bonus.


Thanks for answering! Really excited to see more. If I may add another question, what dors esch RO appearance is like?


Will magic just be used for stat checks or will there be situations were being a Mage will be more useful than being a warrior?


I hope not. There shouldn’t be favouritism for the class. Each class should have something they excel at.


Well, this was quite short but promising! There are a lot of variables to work with here, and that alone has me tipping my hat to you. I could never. Pretty sure I’d confuse myself every other sentence :joy:.

As others have said before me, I do hope there is a balance in classes. It’d be a bummer to discover that the story plays… easier, let’s say, to be a warrior than a charmer, for example.

But I shall keep an eye out for future updates! Lovely work thus far, don’t work yourself too hard!

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If not much issue with it I’d like to ask what are the appearances of each RO.

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So in regards to the different classes and their advantages, I wouldn’t exactly say it will play easier if you specialize in magic vs charm for example just differently. A mage might be able wow the court with their magical ability just as well as a charmer would with their charisma.

You won’t fail if you don’t specialize in something. You’ll just have achieve your goals in ways specific to your specialization.

Of course! I should have put them in the description to begin with honestly lol.

He’s muscular and stands at about 6’2 with dark bronze skin, brown eyes and long dreads usually tied back with a few constantly coming loose. He keeps his face unshaven and is adorned with several rings and earrings much to the dismay of the courtiers who advise the queen. Taking this romance route might put you at odds with the court nobles.

She is of average height and petite with wavy brown hair that brushes her shoulders, pale freckled skin and pale grey eyes. She wears the traditional robes of a priestess and is rather somber most of the time. Choosing this romance path will definitely put you at odds with the church.

Hagia is an unusually tall, statuesque woman with light skin, hazel eyes, long silky honey blonde hair and a cunning smile. Her clothes are always expensive and covered with diamonds. She’s usually the first to start trend and is highly respected among court ladies.

Hayro’s hardened pale blue eyes are framed by his wavy blonde hair which reaches his collar. He keeps it just long enough to meet with the Navy’s standards. Even though he theoretically could grow it longer, he’s prided himself as a man of honor that leads by example. He’s tall, broad shouldered and very irritable.

Nevrida is of average height with dark brown skin and several braids cascading down her back. Her warm brown eyes are full of life and laughter and the princess carries herself taller than she seems with a serene and regal bearing.

Arina Asan
Arina is tall and slender with waist length wavy black hair and piercing green eyes. She’s also very pale as she spends more time reading spellbooks than interacting with humans. She doesn’t wear mage robes like most magic users in the capital would. Instead she has a belt of potions around her waist.

He is of average height and slender with short red hair, bright green eyes and sharp, features. He’s very light on his feet and prone to sticking to the shadows. You can only catch a glimpse of him if you’re observant.

Like most demons in the myths Nyfelim has navy blue like skin and pitch black eyes. White hair cascades down his back and two horns grow from his head. You can’t truly get a sense of him other than that as he exists partially between this world and the next.

As for the upcoming chapters I’m still working on them when I can. The coming update will end with the you meeting your siblings and most of the court as well as expand on why Lord Hoblyn thinks you should take the throne.


Thank you for the response! Really loving the idea of Cisi so I think she’ll be the one I will be going for mainly XD. Though I wonder if she got pregnant for example, would that affect her position as a priestess in this setting? What interests me more so is how we get to make someone practicing to be of such a position to fall for us.

Wow !! Although the demo was short i liked it. And i’m looking forward to see my MC journey to be queen :heart_eyes: :yellow_heart:


Closed at author’s request