Halloween Jam 2022

Thanks, for encourage @Caronte For a writer hear feedback and people moved is the better medicine. I also hope and believe Caro will end publish it if he continues the edition and adding. So I join your cheers!


@Lonily Aaah! My day is officially made! :kissing_closed_eyes: Actually, I intend to, I had so much fun writing it!

@poison_mara Thatā€™s so lovely to hear, thank you! It really, really is great medicine.

I am so touched by this!


Now keep working as you did these months and soon you will be published. I have no doubts about it


I didnā€™t manage to get a game out for the jam but Iā€™m excited to read everyoneā€™s!

For reference, here are the three games on the board:


you can post your game here if you ended it people will love to read it

Iā€™m very pleased with my ending here. I turned outā€¦ quite powerful, to say the least. And naturally, as I already mentioned, I used the white dress in anticipation for getting it stained, haha! Fun times!


I ended up romancing Audrey and absolutely being bloodthirsty cannibals. I actually didnā€™t check the achievements beforehand so kept kissing him and then got the kissing achievement

Very very fun!


Oh! I had so much fun writing that ending, and Iā€™m actually really happy that you got that achievement, seeing as it took a fair bit of work and coding! I thought ā€œif at least one person gets it, just one, it will all be worth it.ā€ And it was!

Thank you!


Such an awesome game. I really wish to read about the aftermath.


Make it at least two! It was so awesome that the kissing wasnā€™t just a repeated event, but different every time.


Oh, thank you so much! It means a lot. I definitely intend to do just that - I had too much fun writing this to stop, haha.

Iā€™m glad you thought so! First I was going to, then I thought ā€œnah, itā€™s much more fun this way, I just hope people will noticeā€ - Itā€™s so rewarding that people did, indeed, notice.


I donā€™t mean to bump this or anything, but the banner for this is still on dashingdon.

That isnā€™t something poison_mara has any control over, thatā€™s to do with the dashingdon owner.

Per @poison_mara 's request