Guns Of Infinity; Romance?

If she did get preggers, she could easily have concealed it and it’s been 2 years, she could easily have ordered a servant to whisk away the child back to the homeland discreetly.

Also, your stating the obvious MC+Kat ramifications. I’m talking you leave her or she leaves you, then you pursue other women and or she wants to use you for a political action you do not agree with.

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I don’t see how. Doesn’t she work for the RTI, how she’s gonna hide her stomach. What about rumors?


She is a covert agent in the field with no oversight.

She could easily requisition a house in a town to “recover”. Think about her stated responsibilities thus far, the plan to capture the family as well as safeguard the experimental cannons and the Takaran Ambassador. The only ones with her are her two servants who work under her as royal intelligence and they know how to keep their mouths shut, especially for such a powerful noble lady and especially if she has earned their loyalty.

She does her job until she begins to show then claims to be down due to serious illness or injury for 3-5 months, and has the child.

There would be rumors I’m sure, and Katas not dumb enough to get pregnant out of marriage.


That depends on with who. Her reputation for having a Deathborn brother is already flawed. Then there is her work. You know rumor flies around about that. Having the child of a National War Hero and Baron (at least nobility) is not too big of a scandal and could actually work in her favor.

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If you’re alleging that she’d hold that over you, I doubt it. Again, in this universe, an unwed woman is likely considered very low status, regardless of her previous standing.

Add to the fact that she has more political and financial power than you means she’d have very little to gain by “blackmailing” you. I guess maybe she could say you raped her, but this isn’t the #metoo era so most wouldn’t believe this lesser status man raped her and forced her quiet for 2+ years. That’s my take on it, anyway.

Not out of wedlock


Pretty sure for a woman in those times having a child out of marriage is a huge scandal. Also there’s the fact you might not end up marrying her after that night. Anyway I doubt that’s what Cataphrak has planned for her.


Personally i think Katarina is a tough and blunt agent like Ilsa Faust or Alanna Mitsopolis( mission Impossible ) , who would be very careful with their love relationship so that it won’t hindered their career, and they certainly don’t need to use a baby to blackmail the protagonist … If Katarina feel MC had betray her, she will have her own way to deal with disloyal MC :slight_smile:



There is no “insulting of women.” There is no hatred of women or making them look like monsters. They’re simply talking about the matter in terms of the context. Yes, in this kind of age, forcing a marriage and using a child as nothing more than a political tool isn’t all that surprising. A marriage for the sole purpose of connecting two families and guaranteeing a heir, with no hint of actual love or consent, was common in that kind of period. Just because the people here are talking about it, doesn’t automatically mean they’re somehow slandering women or that they’re personally sexist or that they somehow advocate for rape and forced pregnancy in the rel world-They’re just discussing a game-nothing more, nothing less.

If that kind of stuff makes you uncomfortable, then I’m not judging. But acting like you have the higher moral ground and reprimanding the people here with stuff like “I thought this forum was more respectful” isn’t going to do you any favors.


Important rule: when people are on here and get combative, don’t argue.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


I haven’t been following this, but I can say this much:

Any scenario that involves “When my PC outsmarts Lady Katarina/Countess Welles/Princess Isobel so as to rise in power…” that isn’t a variant on “when pigs fly” is basically “Oh, you poor, sweet summer child. Your PC is in for so many kinds of hurt.”

Powerful, smart, determined characters are that dangerous.

This isn’t even about if you can get one pregnant or marry one or anything. It’s based on how Cataphrak writes these people, and is going to continue to write these people.

Edited to clarify: This is not directed at anyone. This is just me saying that - as one of the people @Eiwynn just mentioned - I can point out the amount of discussion that has established this how Cataphrak rolls. I’d prefer just to note that he’s talked about that these are capable people than to get into some kind of argument, but I do want to underline that.


Putting an hour’s cooldown lock on this thread. When it continues, please remember to discuss in a constructive fashion and and especially don’t argue in bad faith.

Also, if someone’s doing so, don’t engage, just flag it.

This topic was automatically opened after 62 minutes.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Just to bring this up here as well.

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