Guenevere (WIP)

It’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure Jeantown said you can do that. Arthur has to remain king of England until the last book (Book Seven), but one of the possible endings is Guenevere ruling England in Arthur’s place. Whether he’s dead, exiled, or otherwise is up to you, I think.

Prior to that, Guen can have higher combat and leadership stats by (I think) Book Five. And we can start destroying Arthur’s reputation and building up Guen’s as early as Book Two by leading Camelot’s army to victory and telling everyone that Arthur screwed up.


You so have to have a strange wide eyed fellow with a long multi colored scarf giving tips to Merlyn before he dashes off into a vanishing blue box… :wink:


Bill: Ted, we gotta go. This is a history report, not a babe report.
Ted: But Bill, these… (gestures to Morgana and Guen) are historical babes.
Morgana & Guen: ???


Alright, I’ve combed over what I could, but I still couldn’t find an answer (And if there is one, I’m sorry for repeating the same question!)

Will we have a chance to visit Cornwall with Lancelot, Arthur, or Morgana (Or any combination of the three?) sometime in future books? I’d absolutely LOVE to see their reactions to Guen’s old stomping grounds, plus the chance to get up in papa Guen’s face about the arranged wedding.


I can imagine putting a few of them at the end. Maybe you’d get one with each possible ending? Others would just be inside jokes spread by word of mouth.

All of those are possibilities, I guess… :smile: And now I have the Men in Tights song stuck in my head; thanks a lot. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Fallaner Yes, it would be easy enough to toggle the easter egg on and then allow the pet to be renamed. Though you never know, ArkyBarky could turn out to be an easter egg… :smiling_imp:

@Nakami_Nukaim I think @Mirabella pretty much covered it! It will take time, but yes, Guen can basically take over the kingdom, in a few different ways.

Yeah, that should definitely be on the list. :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: Thanks for doing the search; a lot of people don’t bother… And wow, I can’t believe that in 6500+ posts, no one has asked that question, but they haven’t!

Soooo I didn’t have a trip to Cornwall in my master plan, since part 3 has to be set at Orkney and part 4 is at Avalon and part 5 needs to be at Camelot… but now that you ask, it’s occurring to me that it might work well to set the beginning of part 6 at Cornwall. 6 will be far in the future, so maybe not the first time Guen has visited home with any or all of the main three, but still, would be a nice way to open that part of the story – since 6 is sort of the Empire Strikes Back of the series, visiting her home could be a good way to reflect on how much she’s changed (or hasn’t) since leaving, as a setup for things to come. So thank you for the idea! :smile:


Actually, it has been asked, just perhaps not in those exact words. But there was a discussion a while back where people expressed interest in Guen getting to go back home for a little bit, and to allow her to have various reactions to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

That was what prompted me to suggest more scenes with Guen’s father, to allow the player to choose how Guen feels about him in general (in addition to him forcing her to get married).


Really? ::facepalm:: So now I’m forgetting what’s in my own thread…

To be fair, the thread does have almost 6600 posts. :slight_smile: And I do remember you making the suggestion about interacting with Guen’s father, which I have on my list of desiderata.

But now you’ve truly secured the “Grimm is Always Right” award, since you know my thread better than I do. :smile:


Nah, I just have a very good memory. Sometimes. ^_^;

…What day is it, again? >.>;


And according to the top of the page, it would take 1581 minutes to read, which is about 66 hours. And people probably wouldn’t read the whole thing in one sitting, so that would probably be an hour a day for 66 days.


Keyword search is your friend in threads this large.

. . .Which would explain why I wasn’t finding what I was looking for, exactly.


That’s not even all of the posts, either. There’s 7 months of posts missing from the top of the thread that disappeared a while back, when we switched to the new forum. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have an advantage in that I’ve been around since @jeantown first posted the thread (I was one of the first supporters!), so I’ve seen almost all the messages here as they were posted. :slight_smile:


“I KNEW IT POISON QUEEN IT’S DARTH VADER” So that makes hot mordred kailo ren?

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Oh god please no… Kylo was a whiny brat…

…And he was really WEIRD looking…

He behaved like an immature child to me with all his freakouts and creepy behavior…

Mordred should be… hopefully… infinitely better…

Speaking of Mordred, I’m curious as to how @jeantown will characterize him.

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Seeing as how we do have 66 hours of posts already, could we make things easier for @jeantown and try to keep on topic from now on? There’s a very nice Off-Topic section for chatting about everything that isn’t WIPs.


@Edgewen Well, I do appreciate that you tried. :slight_smile:

Actually I think most of them just got mixed up in their order but are still there. I could be wrong, though.[quote=“OtherGrimm, post:6648, topic:1996”]
I’ve been around since @jeantown first posted the thread (I was one of the first supporters!)
Indeed; I remember that you backed me up against certain insistences that the story ought to conform to historical accuracy, as if Arthurian lit could ever do that.

Ha, well, maybe Guen can be Darth Vader, but Mordred will not be Kylo. :smile: Mostly I just meant that it will be the segment of the story where Guen’s world is the most destabilized, and maybe suffers some loss, before her potential triumph in part 7.

Okay, next time you go off on one of your all caps rants, I am going to link you to a gif of Kylo smashing stuff. Or maybe the two stormtroopers walking away, which has been my reaction to a few of your rants. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have said some things about that. Try searching the thread and/or checking out the FAQ on my blog.


Heeeeeeyy let’s get back on topic before people get aggro.

So, @jeantown, will we ever have options to choose more impact on what happened in Guen’s life before camelot?

Like, a comment on hobbies or blah, I dunno. I doubt it would affect stats too much (assuming hobbies other than bad-assery here), but it would be nice…or is this all up to imagination? (I’m okay with that too, lol)

Also, what is the real point of the conviviality trait? I understand its for characterization, but will it ever be implemented in a sense where having a high stat in being a ‘stuck-up’ lady would actually help Guen?

I think manipulating wise it could be helpful, if she were somewhere other than Camelot…that wouldn’t happen for ages then, would it?

^^ Eh, well, sometimes it’s just nice to theorize, and read your comments, then get all giddy about potential scenarios.

As always, you’re swag! XD


Out of sheer curiosity, is scalping illegal in the Guenverse? I think it is, but I’m not sure.

Torn between searching for Morgana and getting the super cool sword… Bloody hell.

Let’s remember to not make things personal.