Awesome. Please continue.
Ran into this; looks like some code leaked into the text?
Ran into a problem while playing as a loner summoner. After killing the goblin and listening for the waterfall it wouldn’t let me approach the area. Other classes work fine.
Any chance you remember the option you picked before you got that error?
Listening as some races actually lets you skip straight to the river instead of fighting the plant. So this is a dead end for now.
Thanks, I dialed it back for the Half-Gond for the next update.
Needless to say it gives me the SAO story vibe, however I think it will have it’s own story and creativity.
So I have some questions about the classes of the game, the gladiator can choose its main weapon or is fixed? For example if I’m a gladiator can I choose to fight unarmed, or use a sword or a pole.
Besides that, will I be able to lvl up, buy items using game currency, to do side quests… Gahh! my mind is flowing with questions, making me getting even more hyped about this game!
Nevertheless I wish you the best of luck about this wip.
I’d picked Ash as female. Don’t know if it shows up If they’re male, sorry.
Also just realized I’m bad at posting pictures.
This has a lot of potential, however I did come across some problems.
Why are we also to choose Ash’s gender if we go to an either all girl/boy school? If (s)he is our upperclassmate wouldn’t the MC and Ash have to be set as the same gender? How can a male Ash attend an all girls school?
Although this may just be me, I would like more build up before we enter the video game world. Everything just seemed a bit rushed in order to get to GAO.
Perhaps you could consolidate some paragraphs onto the same page, as it feels as though every paragraph we have to turn the page, which leaves the format looking bland and empty.
What I liked about it;
The D&D vibes. I really like fantasy games, and the fact that the MC can point out the renamed races are pretty much discount elves/dwarves/etc made me chuckle a bit.
I also really enjoyed the variety of classes and races to choose from. To me, this enhances the sense of control I have over the character.
Wow… I wrote a lot. Sorry if I come across as pushy… k, I’m gonna go back into hiding now
I just thought of something if Ash is playing as a ninja could he/she be very ragged in appearance so as to hide in plan sight
“Well, actually there was one major change. Until your Sophomore year Lance High was an…”
Oh. facepalm Oppsie… and now I’m embarrassed, sorry 'bout that.
Missed your second question earlier, sorry about that. But yes! There will be loot you get from the plant, technically you already have it, but don’t know how to open the menus yet. Bear pelt sounds like a great idea too.
One of the first major goals of the game will be finding Ash, if you choose you want to find him/her.
What aspect of the shinobi made it your favorite?
Gladiators will be able to use a wide variety of weapons - swords and polearms will absolutely be included. Unarmed will also be an option, but will do less damage.
Leveling up will also be included, and you’ll probably see how it’s done in the next update. Currency will be included too. As far as sidequests go it really depends on the route you end up in. Some routes won’t make much sense for them, where others will. In the routes they do show up think of them more as optional stories than sidequests.
@Malvastor @orestis_mtk
Thanks for finding that! Fixed for the next update.
Please don’t apologize, this is exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. So I really do appreciate it. Please be sure to keep making posts like it when giving me feedback.
1 - Thanks for clearing that up @Baam!
2 - I completely agree with you on this. As I was writing I realized I didn’t want RL character creation to be a rush of menus, so I blended it into a school day. What is there feels like filler to me, and inconsequential to the plot when it occurs. I’m toying with some ideas, but haven’t felt great about any of them. Point is that this section will change… eventually.
3 - I’ll try to change it around more. I may have gotten a bit page_break happy at some points. Thank for bringing this up.
Yay bear pelt also while I am thinking do we need to eat and drink also I am noticing there are no archers will that be the ninja or some other class
This is more of a joke question but, if you die in the game do you die in real life?
Awesome demo though
I like both Shinobi and Kunoichi
I very much enjoyed playing this playtest so far and look forward to playing a summoner
When I was playing, I just caught one typo when Ash is a boy & we’re choosing our class.
“Ash can never decide on him characters.”
This should be changed to “his”.
Also got this error when trying to show stats.
Couldn’t load scenes/choicescript_stats.txt?cb=572547
The file is probably missing or empty.
I really like the direction this game is going, but I’d like it if we were slowly introduced to the video game.
In my first play-through, it seemed a bit odd that the MC just found out about it, immediately started playing, then BOOM suddenly entered an isekai world. Anyways, I see some similarities with SAO, but I can see that you have a different story in mind. I look forward to this! Good luck!
After playing the demo, it remind me more of OVERLORD than SAO. Will we face discrimination of our chosen race? Will there be any ROs? Also, is there a chance that we could be killed?
I believe nothing wrong with race in an MMO.
But support class sucks, damager ftw!
Hmmm, if enough people want a ranger/hunter class I think I would add them. I wanted one class for each main stat, and a wildcard, so archery didn’t fit in in the first designs, but it does feel missing. If I don’t add them as a class I will add them as weapons for the different classes.
Nope, lol, I guess you aren’t technically in RL anymore after you get pulled IG though.
@Terrell_Williams @spytim
Anything you like specifically about them?
Fixed, thanks for finding that. Yup! I didn’t upload stats at all did I? Whoops. Thanks for pointing out that too.4
As for finding out about the game I tried to make it seem like the MC and Ash were excited about it for a while, and it was a surprise release. I’ll try to make it so MC mentions it a few times more. Appreciate the feedback, and glad you’re enjoying it so far.
OVERLORD is great, Log Horizon was my biggest inspiration though. Many of the races will face discrimination in one form or another. Funestans will be avoided and have trouble getting into some cities. Non-Half-Gonds will find it difficult to get inside Gond warcamps, and Aeran can be a little pretentious towards non-Aerans.
Sorry about this, but what’s an RO?
As for being killed yes, currently I have plans for several “bad ends”. I’ve noticed that they’re not really in other CoG games, so if the general outlook towards them is negative I’ll remove it. Currently there is one bad end if you choose badly, and have bad stats for it at the plant fight (Low strength and tackle the tongue).
Haha, you’ll notice damage v support v tank roles become more obvious in later routes. Raid raid, and adventuring route especially. These first few fights you won’t see much of a difference since every class has to make it through the beginning.