Well this has seriously annoyed me now. I try to test out the game and all I get is the script error. Even before this though, the game would never load, just be stuck on the loading bar. Please help. (Coding below, this is WIP so don’t think this will be the entire game)
// Specify the list of scenes here, separated by commas, with no final comma
nav = new SceneNavigator([
// Specify the default starting stats here
stats = {
gender: Unknown
// Specify the stats to use in debug mode
debugStats = {
gender: Unknown
*comment I’d like to make this bold. Any idea how?
Operation Night Hawk
“Overlord, unit 1 in position” whispers Captain James while pressing his
headphone deeper into his ear, “Copy that, out” replies the sizzling
voice. The rain spits on your head, it’s hard to not get distracted but
you keep your eyes jammed on the road 10 floors below you. The slummy and
neglected building provides you no shelter against the strong wind you
feel like…….
#You are going to freeze to death, even though your masculine body stays jammed to the gound
*set gender “Male”
*goto scouting
#Your weak feminine body will float away any second now
*set gender “Female”
*label scouting
You pick up the binoculars from the wet floor and board them against your
eyes. You skim the streets while setting the binoculars to night view.
“Enemy convoy at 7 o clock” says Captain James, quickly your head jerks to
the North West and through the pebbles of rain drops on your binoculars
you can see an enemy truck hindering on the road. “Keep eyes on” says
Captain James while cautiously looking at the road. “Another truck at 4 o
clock” you manage to croak, Captain James takes a peek to confirm it “you
take that truck” he says. You see a person walking out of the truck secured
by 10 soldiers around him, “someone came out” you report to Captain. “Same
here” he replies, they enter the building in front of you, together.
\*goto_scene NightHawkTwo
*comment I haven’t been given this scene yet, so here’s a filler
You walk off a bridge
It does nothing and you die
God saves you by taking you to heaven, so you died