Well then . Whenever I try to go to the specific “Next” place and want a choice , it just gives me the Script error and stops without even giving me the options or possible errors. Here is the thing I made. Can somebody tell me what the problem is with it ? It does it when it reaches the last *choice .
*create name
*create gender
“Stuff written here”
*set gender “Male”
*goto name1
*set gender “Female”
*goto name1
*label name1
"Stuff written here, including two “${gender}”
*input_text name
“Stuff written here, including one ${name}”
“Stuff written here”
*if (Female) #Yatta-yatta
*if (Male) #Blah-blah
(Notice, the indentations are right ,the post does not allow me to add them although.)
(There are spaces (indentation) at - #Male, *set gender “male” ,*goto name1 , #Female, *set gender “Female” , *if (Female), if (Male).
Also I already tried removing the *if command and that does not seem to work.