Error in Code (Need Help)

So yeah, I somehow encountered an error in my code and need help.


2 INDENTS You see a man who has seen the horrors of war, lost family and someone who knows what it feels like to lose someone. You see someone who knows how to survive in a world that will chew you up and
spit it out.
*set gender “Male”
*goto ID
INDENT #Female
2 INDENTS You see a woman who has seen the horrors of war, lost family and someone who knows what it feels like to lose someone. You see someone who knows how to survive in a world that will chew you up and
spit it out.
*set gender “Female”
*goto ID

Hi, just moved your topic in the “ChoiceScript Help” category.

What is the error you get?

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The #female choice doesn’t get recognized.

Basically, your code looks like this, right?

        You see a man who has seen the horrors of war, lost family and someone who knows what it feels like to lose someone. You see someone who knows how to survive in a world that will chew you up and spit it out.
        *set gender "Male"
        *goto ID
        You see a woman who has seen the horrors of war, lost family and someone who knows what it feels like to lose someone. You see someone who knows how to survive in a world that will chew you up and spit it out.
        *set gender "Female"
        *goto ID

But I have no idea why #Female shouldn’t be available if it looks as above…


Indeed, just tested it, and it works.

Make sure you manually space - using the indent key will screw up the code.

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Yeah, I just tried your code and it worked. It was an indentation mistake. :slight_smile:

Ah ^^ Glad I could be of help, then.


How to format your code so it can be seen on the forum.

Paste code into window.
Highlight all of the code.
Click the preformatted text button. (It looks like </> and is next to the quote one and on the same bar as the other formatting and smilies choice.)
Click reply.

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Or just wrap your text in the pre tag like this:

<pre>Code here</pre>