GirlxGirl romance game with demon girls, "Starlight Vega"

It’s the kind of yuri novel Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Great to see the support for Starlight Vega is coming along so nicely.:grin:
I know I might just repeat myself but I’m really excited and seriously can’t wait to be able to finally play a Yuri themed romance game, hehe.:tada::wink::balloon:

@FairyGodfeather Yeah…that might be a bit too rich for my blood. (Guy eating ramen noodles all day to pay for college here)

Visual Novels are actually what led me to this site, a friend (still don’t know if he was joking or not) recommended Katawa Shoujo to me. I got it because ‘why the hell not its free’ and enjoyed it despite it not being something I’d have thought I’d like. Fair warning for people unfamiliar with it, it goes for the feels and never lets go. I enjoyed it and googled interactive novels because I forgot the name of visual novels and stumbled across this site.

@Razz Really minor nitpick here, but the scene where Melody is leaning out the window, she goes from pretty-much-flat-chested to good-for-you-girl levels in the boob department. I noticed late last night just before going to bed, I know I was overtired because it made me break out giggling like a man-child for about ten minutes. Guy with less than no artistic ability here so feel free to ignore me, but you might want to (can’t believe I’m saying this) tone down the boobies in that particular scene.


Give me a year and I’ll break it’s back.

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Done deal. Deal is done.

I’ve had nightmare’s about it for years now, so I’m going to release all of it’s straight enemies from Arkam Bar, and break it when it is weak. (Too far? Straight people was the only thing I could think of that could possibly come close to being the enemy of a Yuri VN.)

Can we get back on topic please.

@JanThatsMe You send a PM by clicking on someone’s name and then selecting ‘message’.

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Sorry, I thought my post was fairly on topic (minor sarcasm aside).

Ack! My bad I didn’t mean to have that as a reply to your post.

Yours was on topic. You offered some specific advice about the game.

No problem, I thought it might have been something like that but wasn’t sure.

Just would like to second your recommendation of Katawa Shoujo. Seriously, to anyone reading this, it’s completely free and brilliantly written. You really have no excuse to not play it.

“it goes for the feels and never lets go.”

Oh dear God YES. Katawa Shoujo, in fact holds the distinction of being the only piece of media to ever make me cry. And not just tearing up a little, full on waterworks by the end of Hanako’s route. And that was the good ending, I don’t think I could face the bad ending.

There are many stories that involve Yuri that are not even close to being adult only setting.

Im interested in these things myself and like supporting them. I would support gay as well, even though im not.

I still havent gotten the chance to check the demo but consistency on those ladies would be ideal if one scene they are light on the upper body and heavy in the next, wont sit well for many.

I also will go to that green light section when I get home. As I just read about it while at work…again.

You mean Shizune Hakamichi right?

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Congrats on reaching your kickstarter goal! [fires off fireworks]


Wow you made your goal in just 3 days, that was really fast. Good luck in reaching those stretch goals.

Congratulations, I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing the finished product.