

Well I don't care to share much true personal info on a site such as this, but regarding my activities and interests related to this site, that is another matter. I very much enjoy games with a choice format (even if my wallet thinks otherwise...), I am currently working on several projects to submit, and my main genres are Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and the supernatural. I am new to Choice script but not as new to coding in general. I frequent these forums for troubleshooting and assisting others where I may along with taking a peak at upcoming WIPs and discussions. Pardon my inexperience, but I'll be working on WIPs and hopefully they'll end up being quality pieces of work.

Current Works

Modern Piracy
[Status active, WIP]

Silent Moon
[Status dormant, WIP]

Bionic Rapture
[Status: dormant,WIP]

Published: has been completed and released
Beta: testers are now working to create a release-ready product
Alpha: being improved for Beta stage
WIP: unpublished, no outside testing is underway

Active: I am currently working to improve this product
Dormant: no work is being done to improve this product, but future improvements are planned
Dead: no improvements are being made, and none are planned. Popular demand may revive work in this product.