From Ashes We Rise [FAWR / WIP] Upd. 30. Oct

Well, okay, but am I at least the only one who both likes and wants to punch Troy?


Mm, well, the face of Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships, whilst the face of Blackbird of Troy launched a thousand fists and several ships. I will always cherish him for that.

We always hurt the ones we love.


Honestly I feel like any character you are given the option to punch is an instant favourite

I’m less vocal about it but no, you’re not. :kissing_closed_eyes:

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You’re totally not. Always punch. …Especially since he’s not a dog person. I <3 Ace.


Well the difference between hitting and hitting on somebody is just one small additional word…


What I called my MC:

Troy Dallas

Because two people can play the identity thief :stuck_out_tongue:


That is the best choice ever… Presumably for the pseudonym you choose in the park, rather than for your Super-name, which would be… interesting, or your actual name, as that would imply something rather unusual (although not unheard of in superhero stories)…

Now I’m hoping he’ll be able to react to that…


It was the pseudonym I chose at the park. Sadly, Troy doesn’t react at all to it. Maybe a new scene can be included for it. Would love to see his reaction :smile:


OMFG THAT’S GENIUS XDDDD I wish Troy would actually react to that and be like… WTF


Hahaha! That’s the best thing ever. “How’s it feel troy?!”


Well, i chose Raven for multiple reasons:

  1. The Raven is my favorite animal.
  2. My name, Brendan, actually means Raven.
  3. I live in Maryland, so… go Baltimore!
  4. The whole Raven/Crow/Blackbird thing.
  5. Raven from Teen Titans is awesome.

And lastly, i’m pretty sure i was the one who gave Wraith the idea for the name.

You negated your own question.

You’re my friend now.

I’d love to make fun of you for using Deathshadow here, but then i remembered how i came up with Blizzard…

I saw this whole “what to do with Troy” poll further up, and one of the choices was: Neither, i shall stick to watching Specter/Stray, thanks.

Where’s Ricochet in this? I’m probably not alone in being a bigger fan of her than the others.

And though i prefer Ricochet, i feel Vine deserves a spot on that list as well.


Got another Raven pal!! Go Ravens!

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Man, Crow is kinda creepy when you think about it. “Hey kid, want to come to my house?” Says masked person in an alleyway to a twelve year old. Can only imagine the Crow explaining this to the woman she gave the papers to. “I found him in an alley. Can I have him?”


I think I’m a bit late with the alias thing, but mine was “Swallowlet”, one because swallow are my favourite animals, and two because I wanted a cute name. :blush:

There’s also some uncanny symbolism as well, because in Chinese culture crows are considered to be the most fillial of birds (I heard that some even feed their parents when they get too old or sick to fly) because the sound they make is like the crying people make when they lose their parents.

And swallows… Are the complete opposite. :joy: They are free and aloof and the first chance they get they will leave the nest and never come back. I think it’s a very nice symbolism since my MC became an anti-hero afterwards. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Please tell me one of the choices when we talk to our mentor why we didn’t talk to them or didn’t become a hero will eventually be because the option wasn’t implemented yet. I know it probably never will I think it would be funny.


Why is this so funny? :joy:

I agree that’s pretty dang funny

Imagine the park scene with that tho…

“What’s your name, sir?”

“I’m Dallas, Troy Dallas.”

I mean, he would DEFINATELY know something is up but his reaction… Would be worth it. :joy:


What you should do is give him the name Troy Dallas, and then be like “just kidding” and give your real name!