Freelance Illustrator and Character Artist!

Hi everyone, been LONG while since I updated this thread but I thought it’d be good to put up the work I recently did for The Eagle’s Heir! \o/

I’ve also updated my portfolio with more recent stuff like comic pages and some new illustrations, if anyone’s interested!


How awesome does it feel to have your art on the front page of the CoG site? Did you take some screenshots yet??


It’s a strange feeling of accomplishment! I’ve been working towards getting hired to do covers for CoG and I’m glad I got the opportunity to work on such a great title. Good experience too!
And yes, oh gosh, my professor was pretty happy to see my art on Steam when he logged in the other day, haha!


really nice art work, good skill

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I really love all the artwork! If I ever manage to push out one of the many ideas I have for a book I’ll be needing an artist for some cover work and I can’t draw for my life, I’ll definitely be keeping you in mind!

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Here’s the cover I did for @Mary_Duffy’s The Daily Blackmail! \o/


Been a while since I updated here!

With the recent release of CCH2, here’s the cover I did, along with the interior illustrations! After working on and off on these since 2016 I’m really happy to be able to share them!
(I’m totally not biased but everyone should play CCH, it’s VERY GOOD)


It’s been a while since I last updated! It’s always interesting coming back here to see how much I’ve done in the past few years… kind of like a time capsule!

I thought with the world in its current state, perhaps I’ll finally get to sit and play the games I’ve been able to illustrate for recently! I hope everyone’s staying home (if able to) and staying healthy!

Some of my latest projects include illustrating covers for Heart’s Choice!