Freak: Amidst the Neon Lights WIP and playtest.... last update July 4th 2019

Lizards can regrow their tails, so I’m guessing he has some sort of regeneration ability. Snakes observe there environment through chemical signals and vibrations so they have a sort of tremor scenes, some vipers also have heat vision. I know komodo dragons have a venomous bite but so do many snakes. As for chameleons it’s a common misconception that they blend with their surroundings. They actually use it as a means to convey aggression, territory, and mating behavior. So they are essentially a mood ring. Iguanas are supposed to have really good vision. That’s about all I can think of at the moment. Maybe he can breath fire. :smirk:

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Applications: (Nyoka)
Claw Retraction
Decelerated Aging
Dermal Armor - usually scales
Enhanced Bite
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Lung Capacity
Enhanced Smell
Prehensile Tail
Prehensile Tongue
Regenerative Healing Factor

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All I thought of when you said that prove I have a dirty mind

That’d be something I’d choose, or a banana suit

That would be brilliant and add some more character insight too.

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Alrighty. I have made a little more progress but not as much as I’d have liked. Real lifes a drag, but on the bright side I’m getting a healthy raise! Woot! Means less overtime more free time! Woot!

offtopic I know I apologize.
This weekend I have entirely to myself three days of Freaks! Or so I plan so maybe just maybe I’ll get to chapter two, and get into some more ‘action’. I do hope that all of the ‘set up’ and scenery isn’t grating on anyone. If so I apologize, I feel I need to set up a proper foundation and it can get ‘elaborate’ hope it pans out.

To Do list:
-swimming lesson flashback
-finish out and refurbish stat chart (if you haven’t noticed I’ve modified it,most of the fun stuff doesn’t pop up until after the ‘plane’ let me know what you think)
-finishing the last few scenes before ‘shopping for first’
-chapter 2 -Alantus City-helps further define ‘your’ First and get into trouble with my favourite red troublemaker.

that’s all I’ve planned solidly.

Might go quiet for those days to streamline the work process. Beyond that, as always feel free to discuss and speculate, its a fun read when you guys get going.


So I’m confused was ther e a minor update of some kind?

Nvm. Is there gonna be more scenes with nyoka? I like that character

Swiming lesson, brat style:

‘Take it easy at first, First. Start at the shallow end.’ :slightly_smiling:
Ha, First thinks, I’ll jump in the deep end and show them! :smirk:

[ splosh! ]

‘First!!’ :frowning:

First comes ‘running’ under the water towards the shallow end. Head emerges and First gasps for air, signs, I’m done! My lesson learnt. I hate water! :fearful:

[ runs of to the driest place in the complex ]

Swim tutor: ‘…’ :neutral_face:


can you romance her i would like to try to romance her

Your First needs an update to the splash nav :smiley:

Okay so I just read the demo for the first time in a long time, and I love, love , LOVE it. Honestly I feel like First myself when I read it. Everything is new, and exciting. Sometimes it’s positively dizzying.

A few posts higher there was a discussion about the scene where First wakes up naked with Empathy in the room. Honestly that scene seemed exactly right to me. Speaking as a very modern person…there’s nothing natural about modesty. It’s something we have to be taught. First was raised like a lab rat. It seems to me that she would have learned that being naked in front of someone, or a whole room full of people in a completely non-romantic, non-sexual way is perfectly normal. Something she expected to occur daily if not more often.

I do love the idea of her being obsessed with the bright and varied clothing she’s read about, and is now finally seeing for the first time.

Ooh back on the nude scene for a sec. Empathy’s reaction also rung true to me. She would be able to sense First’s lack of inhibition regarding nudity, and might want to teach her quickly that the world she was in now didn’t work that way. Also, Empathy has to work to avoid instant, and possibly unwanted intimacy with everyone around her all the time. It makes sense that a near perfect stranger completely naked might make her uncomfortable.

Oh and in case I didn’t make it clear before…I LOVE this story so far.


First comes back from the test firing range with the flame thrower to exact vengeance on the water.

“First what are you doing?”

drying off smiles menacingly.


How brilliant would it be if Empathy can swim like an athlete and First just sits near the edge of the water burning with jealousy?

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Hi there! I was doing another play-through and I might have found a bug? I was doing a play-through with a female character of average build that focused on speed. I chose the option to get back at Molecule and it seem the speed option fight is missing (if it was supposed to be there?) Cause the next scene that happens is describing falling out of the plane.

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Fixed, thanks for the heads up!

neat lil empathy tune

I picture her listening to this

or this

That song freaked me out. The combination of clashing notes and the creepy faces had me on edge. I only listened to half of it before I had to shut it off.

So it fits my opinion of Empathy pretty well. Hahaha.

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@Snoe love the artwork, its amazing

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