Forum Moderators!

Welcome to the COG Forums!

As you’re probably well aware, we’re swamped with work. Making games for you is our priority, after all! That said, if we’re going to make these forums work, we’re going to need community moderators. Moderators would be charged with helping us fight spam and help us keep conversations civil.

We probably only need two or three to start, but if you think that you or someone that you know should be a moderator, please drop me an email.

Hey, quick question, do you mean send you a message [Via the forums] or send you an E-Mail? If it’s the latter, please leave your Email address here. I’m having no luck in searching for it.

Yes, jason AT choiceofgames dot com would be good. If you send it to support AT, it will inundate people that are already overwhelmed… :frowning:

Hey Jason I would love to help also!!! :wink: but how? And uhh how do you put a picture on your account?? I mean profile… lol

Here. Click the Change Your Picture link.

Application sent to your Email.

Ooh, thanks. Sent~

I would volunteer but I have a habit of drifting away from the site from time to time and that I feel wouldn’t be very convenient :S

Dang it… how do I be a forum moderator? Lol I’m lost… help!!!

I’d imagine you either have to PM Jason in the forum, or send an email about your request to (I think that’s the email?)