For the Crown WIP (29 Jan 2017)

Mystery gives a story its allure. Humans are curious creatures after all.

Curiosity a trap


I’ve noticed a possible bug.:ant:

I was playing as a bisexual male so the heir is a Princess in the dialogue but the ‘Affiliations’ section of the stats has two bars for the heir. One for Prince and one for Princess. At least, I think it is bug since I was unaware of another heir and the female protagonist of my last play through only had one bar pop up for her.

Also, I don;t know if this is fixable, but I saved while on the Affiliations screen but when I clicked the ‘return to game’ button from the loaded save, it would send me back to the main stats screen. Clicking on the ‘return to game’ button from the stats screen would send me to Affiliations. It would’ve been easily avoidable if I wasn’t an idiot but it could be something you wanted to know

I think it’s a general “bug” with the saving feature. If you save your game while in any Stat page, it gets bugged when loading. It has happened to me some many times in so many different WIPs

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Yea like @Nami said, it’s a bug with the save feature. I hate when I accidentally save it in the stats while playing another WiP. You’ll have to actually restart your game and start a new save.

I’ll check this out. Thanks for pointing it out.

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Quick question: How many relationships are to many relationships do you guys think? I don’t want to overwhelm readers with tons of relationships but I’d also like to know how many you guys are comfortable with.

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I think it depends on how the relationships will be handled in story. Is the number too much to show enough of the characters or would the number reduce everyones role to a very small part of the story? Are all the ROs similar important for the story, or can player miss characters theoretically?

I think all that is more important as just the plain number?

 do you mean ROs? it depends rlly
If they are going to have a crucial role in the plot then mb 3 at most?
But at this point ROs are supposed to be flawless (in terms of being an interesting character ofc)

No all characters but the RO’s. I agree with the belief that RO’s should be kept at a minimum to a point so that you can work their character and romance better.

@Sammysam [quote=“Sammysam, post:87, topic:22627”]
I think it depends on how the relationships will be handled in story.

That’s what I was thinking about the most because most of the characters can help you along the way, but I didn’t know if I wanted to make that rely on pos/neg stats, or that they just help you because they can and want to.

If a character helps the MC, it should be consistent with their characterization first and foremost in my opinion.
That means some characters probably would help the MC anyway as long as they ask nicely, while others may want the MC to be worth their help, and most probably would be more inclined to help the MC when they have a good relationship with them, though exceptions always are possible.

At least that’s what I prefer when playing.


These ± stats doesn’t have to be romance related.
You know, when you know someone in your life and get to know him/her, you’ll build a chemistry with them. You can represent the value with % IMO, and 100% doesn’t always mean in a relationship.

It can be mutual-bestfriendship-forever, or worthy rival, or anything.

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That’s what it was going to be, I wasn’t referring to romance with any of these character relationships that I was thinking about adding.

The number of characters really depends on the story and your ability to work them incoherently. If you are planning to introduce a lot of people though, either space their introductions out or intorduce them all at once (minor descriptions only) and either hint or let the player full on know that they will have a chance to get to know the large cast better later.

I can say one thing though, I tend to find games that are more focused on politics and such to be more interesting with larger casts, esp. if they have diverse backgrounds. It just adds to the experience like there really is a big world out beyond the current setting. This is just my personal opinion and has only been given for if you decide to make this politically saturated.


If anyone plays and finds any wrong pronouns or something that says Y/N or Y/A, can you please tell me. I tried to catch them all (hehehe, sorry) but I don’t know if I was able to or not.


I really enjoyed the update I can’t wait to interact with the princess I’m looking forward to getting to know what kind of person she is


I keep seeing 44 when people address me, I think it may be when they try to say my lord.

These are a couple or errors I found, but otherwise I’m loving the update its awesome and did I see a couple of Deltora Quest names in there?

@Tevin that’s exactly where it keeps showing up at /sigh/ I’ll do a once over on them again and see if I can get them all.

@SuperNova Lol in my defense I wasn’t even thinking of the game, but yea Barda is there.


loved the update, though, I think the number 32 has been put in places where it shouldn’t be.

It’s not even supposed to be there lol. It’s because of the variable ${lord} so I’m now just going to remove them all and change it all to sir/madam.

Thank you for taking the time out to read it as well.

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