The inspiration was actually from Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon. I just finished it and was pleasantly surprised from the genre, so I decided to make my own story with the steampunk universe
Week one update is out
Your demo seems only to exist in a rare parallel universe where all people have been replaced with high end life size figurines due to a miscalculation in inventing the improbability drive of the Heart of Gold. Woops.
That’s exactly what happened
this sounds great. and I love steampunk setting. can’t wait for the demo.
I’ll make sure to give you a heads up when it comes out
Hi, so I saw this on dashingdon and got an error when giving your name (it said startup line 341 or something)
I’ll take a look and direct @faewkless over to this
After I chose the name Levi Archer, it give me an error.
We’re currently looking into this. I’ll let you know when it’s working again
If it helps the exact error is :
startup line 341: Non-existent variable ‘met’
Okay, thank you! That does help.
Out of curiosity - I know that the name selection screen is pretty early in the demo, but I’m wondering what you thought of concerning the writing.
I really liked it. Wasn’t one of those demos where you’re presented with one gigantic paragraph full of mistakes. But is there an overall plot? Like what are we going to do or are you just going to let people go down different paths? By different paths I mean just experience each career.
I liked the type of writing (even if I didn’t understand some words) but at one part it says “charmsare” but I think its suppose to say charms are
I’ve fixed all of the bugs.(That I know exist)
(If you find spelling errors please tell me where you found them it helps me find them faster.)
I get, startup line 341: Non-existent variable ‘met’, right after I choose my name
I’m not sure if this is an error or not, but when I’m talking to Catherine and I choose to help her, for some reason the aloof stat goes up? If I’m choosing to help, shouldn’t the friendly meter go up instead?
Also, when it’s describing Catherine’s outfit it describes to petals as ‘cromson’, but I’m guessing you meant crimson.
Fixed I put a - instead of a +.
My goal in this one was to create high replayability, so yeah, you pretty much go down different paths. However, all of the paths are linked in some way.
I also wanted to drop hints that may help you with other paths as well, if that makes sense. For instance, I’m playing the assassin path. I learn about something that could help me make a better decision in the officer path. Stuff like that.
Another aspect of it is that your choices do matter. You could choose to be charming to Catherine at the start, and she’ll mention that much later on (and so will her… hm… “associates”). Another example of this is with the background stories. One of the backgrounds is your character being exiled by their parents. Some people, if you encounter them in your path, will recognize you and mention this, but if you chose a different background, then they won’t react at all (if that makes sense).
Something else: In order to establish more play value, I made it so you can’t do everything that the path entitles in one play through. Example: there’s a part in the officer path where you can either take on the case of a pyromaniac or a kleptomaniac. You can’t do both in just the one game.
I do plan to have a few scenes where majority of the careers cross someway, but I want to make that as smooth as possible, so the details on that will have to wait