First timer question - Where do I put .txt files?

So did you download the file from the Introduction to ChoiceScript link ashestoashes018 posted? From the link listed there where it says “download the ChoiceScript source from GitHub”. The file with some name like dfabulich-choicescript-with some number at the end?

I don’t know if there are more than one way of doing it, shrug there might be. However this is how I did it and it worked for me:

Once you have the document downloaded and unzipped, click the web folder, than the mygame folder and then the scenes folder. You’ll see several docs there already. These belong to the sample game they have that sort of shows you how the coding works a bit and that they talk about in the Introduction to ChoiceScript page. I recommend looking about at the coding of these. But you can delete them if you want to once you’re done.

You can save your game files in here.

The startup file is important as inside that is where you tell the game what files to open in your story and in what order. If you open the startup file that comes in the folder you can see how that works. I don’t think I ever deleted the startup file, I just rewrote it for my story.

Does all of that make sense?

Edit to add: to test your story you would then go to index in the mygame folder and open index in FireFox.