Fancy a new game from the creator of "Imprisoned"?

Tomorrow is the 19th. *Waves hands in the air*

It’s the 19th. @-)

Give me half an hour :wink:

It’s good to have a new game especially a user made game I liked your first one a lot I thought of making my own game on android tablet but only to find out that on most of them tour have to do code work thinking about doing a dating SIM for the sight because the English ones are hard to find


Imprisoned was a very good game and I would like another game from a talented writer such as yourself.

imprisoned was cool, I escaped with my hands tied behind my back, you should add romance options to your next game~

Who teh hell is this upstart?

who, master 2?

@Shintaro If you tick the narrator off too much, he refuses to let you keep playing. You have to sweet-talk him into letting you play again.

@lackofmops Watch what topics you bump. Check the dates before you post. You just bumped a topic that’s over a year old, the last post made in February. The original poster hasn’t been back to the forums since September 2012. The post you were replying to was May 2012. Sometimes you’re better to PM someone than bumping such an old thread with an off topic comment.