Thank you, FairyGodfeather, you truly have some interesting ideas, and I totally get your point; it got me thinking hard!
My original thoughts included, a forced human male (I can guess the risks, but so far have thought it was worth the risk) beginning, and as a secret achievement a female unlock. I thought It would both make the game more iteresting, and it would greatly increase an already moderate-high replayability value game, as a female character means another story according to the city’s condition, as you wouldn’t be as free to do most of the things you were able to do as a “normal”, male character.
Another unlock would be an elf renegade/rebel, where it would also be another different story and another hard gameplay-line, perhaps harder than a human female, and it would be NOT possible to play as an elf female, the reason being you would be gutted/hanged/burnt on sight out of the ghetto.
Your point includes making the races equal so that they experience the same thing, if I’m not mistaken.
My point includes making them intentionally very different so that I get a chance to show male players how bad an experience being a female in such an athmosphere would be; Where every step you take is judged by lustful or murderous eyes.
[quote=“Ardasevanos, post:12, topic:5409”]
and this is my way of (maybe sarcastically) transferring my thoughts to the player audience. I am trying to make an “ultimate”.
That is correct, I was never really sure about the homophobia part anyway, just thought it would be appropriate to an extreme, worst case scenario dystopia, but I’ll be thinking on that.
[quote=“FairyGodfeather, post:13, topic:5409”]
In settings where the purity of blood lines is important, where wealth is inherited, women do have a certain power men lack. Without genetic testing you can’t guarantee that any child belongs to a man, but who a child’s mother is is generally indisputable. Throw in a fertility dynamic, for instance, where not all of the population are fertile and then you’ve a prejudice with those who’re fertile vs those who aren’t. (One that does exist today, but we rarely see expanded upon in dystopias.)
[/quote] This is a very interesting idea indeed, I’ll definitely consider this, thanks for sharing.
I should also notify the readers that this is STILL in early developement stage, and STILL open to suggestions, I am not stubborn!
, I would really appreciate your votes about the ideas of @FairyGodfeather and mine, please vote!