Fallen Hero: Rebirth is released - discussion thread! (Book One)

Its so hard to maintain above 65…near the end it always drops arnd 60 for me…

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Anyone wondering what the beef is between Ortega and Lady Argent?

When O asks LA is she minds them watching her session with MC:
"There is something there that you can’t pick up on something between Ortega and Lady Argent that almost makes her say no. Something that cause her to frown. Something interesting

Is this just general antagonism between heroes of different heroing styles? Something personal? Something plot-y?
(Yeah I dunno… just curious!) Ideas?

Edit: there were other instances, this was just the more obvious (and the one I screenshot, so)


Me before playing this game: All right Los Diablos let’s paint the town red :japanese_goblin:
Me after finishing (also my MC tbh): ORTEGAAAAAA :sob::sob::sob:

Have to say the MC was incredibly well written. I turned into an emotional wreck reading about them being an emotional wreck haha. Also seconding all the theories about them being related to the Re-genes, but also the Heartbreaker flashbacks make me think there’s a supernatural element going on too - with opening gates and the praying and the claims that they brought something back with them. The whole setup REALLY reminds me of the visual novel Ever17 actually.

Ortega and Mortum were amazing too! Ortega continously trying to reach out to my walking tragedy of an MC broke my heart (also my MC being hella weak to them at every single turn despite all these years and actively trying to push him away), meaning the eventual identity reveal is probably gonna land me in hospital with heart failure tbh. I was pretty meh towards Mortum at the beginning, but he grew on me a LOT playing through the game with the puppet friendzoning him at every turn, to the point where I’m gonna go back and try to romance him for real. And I’m suprised to say I like them both far too much to subject them to a love triangle - even though I’m cackling forever at the thought of my poor MC coming out of the museum heist only the have the ticking atomic bomb of his puppet’s love triangle dumped on his lap.

Also PLEASE can we romance Herald as our supervillan persona next book. Just let me corrupt that boyscout. :yum:


I think it’s probably something personal. They seem to have some kind of history between them - more than just simple workplace disagreement.

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Can only speculate, but they aren’t really beefing. Depending on the route you take if you go back into Lady A’s brain, you can spy on a memory of hers where they interact and dicuss the MC. If you have even a halfway decent relationship with Ortega it’s really cute how defensive he is of the MC.

If I had to guess it’s more that she’s shook by the psychic violation and doesn’t want anyone, even a friend, to witness her vulnerability. It’s likely that she is about as thrilled with Ortega’s nosiness as the MC is :smile:


Oooh, I missed that! Thanks for the info. holds breath dives back in to hunt that scene down

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Hmmm I don’t know if “beefing” is the right word then, but I did feel like there was some unresolved tension between them. Something they’re both trying to avoid. Or maybe it’s all in my head lol.

But I do believe they’re friends tho. You could see the familiarity between them in that scene you’ve mentioned.


I’ll put it under a spoiler in case you want to figure it out. But the specific way to access the memory is:

Have 60+ in the telepathy strength stat. Admit to Ortega you’re a telepath and agree to help Lady A. Play through to the second meeting where you merge with her.
Pick the “dive deep” option in her mind and go through the door.


My first thought is that maybe they actually had a ‘thing’ while the MC was thought to be dead. But the interaction in the memory says otherwise considering they can joke about it so casually. There was mention on the QnA thread before copy edit that was Ortega accused Argent of relaying how Ortega talked about the MC while drunk. I’ll see if I can find it.


I always took the slight friction between the two as the same way the MC can complain about Ortega being too overbearing as a friend. Argent is probably like the MC in the fact they too are a private loner but Ortega forced their way into getting to know them.

There was also a question in the that thread asking Sidestep how they felt about Argent and Ortega’s friendship and the answer was “I’m glad Ortega has someone else to try and fix”




That was amazing!!, can’t wait for part two!, greetings from Ecuador :smiley:

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My first thought for the puppet was that the MC’s subconscious was linked the puppet even when the MC isn’t paying attention so thats why it was mumbling.

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GUYS. Malin just posted on tumblr that in the next book, our villain will have a fan club. With T-shirts.

I can’t wait for the Rangers’ reaction to that :joy: Can we send them one each?


… … that just blew my mind :o . My mind is flooded with possibilities :o . Attending a fan club meeting as the mc/puppet, trolling the fans online and/or telling them no one is better than Ortega, killing the fan club leader and/or destroying a fan club meeting, joining the fan club as mc/puppet …anyhoo you get the idea :stuck_out_tongue: .


It would be hilarious if the Mc could incite a fan war between them and Ortega over which one is going to win.


… starting ship wars. :see_no_evil:


I raced to tumblr to see and now I’m pumped!! It’s absolutely adorable that people look at us pounding the rangers into dust and are just like “Woaaaah. I think I just found my new idol.” Can you imagine how especially pissed Herald will be? All the cameras and adoring fans fawning over us while he pouts on the side! And the ship wars… I can just imagine my mc furiously blushing while trying to punch Ortega’s lights out. :grin:


Does anybody know if calling yourself Anathema change any scene/ affect some of the rangers reaction? I know it does if you call yourself sidestep but didnt hear any reaction about the other name.

Yes it does. Mostly Ortega. It’s not as bad as using Sidestep’s name but he still doesn’t like it.