Enchanted in Blood WIP (Updated 20. Jan. 2021.)

This was great!! Can’t wait to read more about the characters and see where the story goes from here :tada::tada:

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Fair. I should point put that pain just plain doesn’t work on some suspects IRL, people have shrugged off multiple tasers in a row and kept attacking.

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Well, we will have to agree do disagree my friend… I researched the subject before writing and probably won’t change my mind about this, sorry :grinning: I also probably should point out before anyone misunderstands, that this is not an action novel. It’s more about the investigating side of crime solving, and it focuses on the people and their relationships. Of course you will have some action, but that’s a relatively small part of the whole story. If you would like to read a really good shooting game though, I whole-heartedly recommend Breach: The Archangel Job. It’s an amazing game, I loved reading it and there you can use as many guns as you want (I seriously don’t understand how the author managed to code in that many types, it’s amazing) :grin:
Thank your very much for your feedback! It’s nice to read everyone’s opinion, even if it sometimes doesn’t match my own, but that’s just inevitable :kissing_heart: (and you know what, maybe later I will put in a shooting scene with real bullets just for you :smirk:)


Really nice story.
Will you add more MC race in the future? It would be very interesting to have the MC as an elf or half-elf. An elf, a race that doesn’t integrate very well with the other race that work as a government agent, with all the difficulties and prejudices that other policemen or agents might have.

No, I don’t think I will, sorry. There is a reason why MC can’t be an elf.
Although this was strongly hinted in the demo, it still might be spoilery to some, so read only at your own risk!

But yes, you guessed it right, a HUGE one of those reasons is the social conflict. If the MC would be an elf, I would have to write an entirely different book because of all the problems and hardship and people’s different (positive and negative) reactions that might cause, which are almost non-existent for humans or orcs or other, less popular races. This is just the way I built up the world of the book. You haven’t seen a lot of it yet, because I only wanted to put in a couple of hints in the first few chapters instead of a massive, boring info-dump. It’s gonna be a lot more interesting and satisfying this way, I promise. I love elves otherwise, but in this specific story, the MC just cannot be one if I also want to include a choice for other races as well. If the MC could only be an elf, now that would be a different story… But like I said, including that option would require me to rewrite huge parts of the book, and that’s just something I don’t have the time or the energy for, and without rewriting, I would just create a whole bunch of inconsistencies and confusion in the lore.

There is a but!
You will have an immense amount of opportunities to interact with elves, to see how they live, aaaand SPOILER if you play your cards right, you might be able to see what it’s like for an elf to join law enforcement :wink: I’m not telling more, because I don’t want to spoil it.
So that’s exactly why I added the mixed-heritage option so that players can imagine their MC as a member of any other race that’s not exclusively elven. You can still imagine your MC to have elven heritage, but you won’t be considered a “real” elf.
I really hope that answers your question! :smiley: Thank you all for your patience, I actually didn’t anticipate that this many people would want to be an elf, but please bear with me! There is a very good reason for my decision, and you will be able to see more of it as the story progresses, I promise. :heart:


Ah. I trought mixed-heritage of human-Ork. So the mixed-heritage is an open choice.

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Yes. Maybe I’m gonna specify that more in-game when you have to choose the race :thinking: Actually you know what, I’m gonna do it now and include it in the next update.


It’s good to see a wip in one of my favourite genres :slight_smile:. Real good so far, looking forwards to seeing more :slight_smile:


It’s nice to see a modern fantasy WIP. Not very many of those bumping around, or full-fledged hosted games, or COG games for that matter. So yes, it’s good to see one here.

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I absolutely LOVE this WIP so far! It’s so good! One of my faves for sure. I love the ROs and I love my MC.
I’m excited for the other chapters!

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I’m so happy I wandered into this WIP! I also didn’t expect it would have an amount of chapters already. Interacting with the ROs was so fun, especially Quinn, I knew there’s something dark behind that cheery exterior. I’ll be waiting for the next updates, thank you so much for this!


Isn’t there always something hiding behind a cheerful exterior? that, in my opinion, is the best part about a cheerful exterior.


Really enjoying the tone and writing style, and the characters and their banter is really enjoyable. And the world building is really interesting and unique so far.


Hello! After replaying the demo for the nth time, I found this one.

Blurred this one to avoid potential spoilers

Thank you!

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Hehehehe :smiling_imp: I mean… I’m not saying you are correct, but yes I am.
It’s also true for other cheery characters in the story :wink:


Oops. :sweat_smile: Thanks and corrected! I will include it in the next update.

And… you played it several times? :open_mouth: woah guys I’m soooo super happy you can’t even imagine!!! *swoons *

  1. Which other chares are. Cheary? 2. Does that then, by. I forget what law it is? Something about reflections, or opisits? Anyway. Does that mean than your CO is actually a teddybear, once you get to know her better?

Uhm… I kinda have some difficulties decyphering your message, so I don’t know if this is what you are curious about, but here you go:
Some people tend to look very cheerful and upbeat on the outside, but once you get to know them better, you realise that most of the time it’s just a mask hiding some kind of trauma or insecurities (oh yes the sweet sweet angst). This is true for two of the LIs, but all three of them had difficulties in the past (some bigger than others), they just try to deal with them in different ways. Aaaand you will just have to wait and see what they are really like once you get to know them better :wink:


That was what I was curious about, yes. Got it in one :slight_smile:


Apoligize to the lady. Now!" Apologize

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